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Ex-Limbo King injured on last day of holiday!

Guest Skitten

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Guest Skitten

Just a quick note to you all to let you know that Mike (de-throned Limbo King, skinny english guy with the brand new Coiler) finally ran out of the 36 years worth of luck and dislocated and fractured his shoulder on saturday the 18th, the last day on the slopes for us before heading home to the UK.

Thanks to all those who stopped by as he was awaiting the ski patrol- it really lifted his spirits. And he would especially like to thank the guy who boarded down to alert the patrol- and would like to get in touch to see if you saw what happened! Unfortunately we don't know his name, Mike was in too much pain and shock to notice the board this guy was riding, and I'm a girl, so no use in the observation side of things:lurk:- he was wearing a grey and yellow jacket, maybe? Anyway, you know who you are- Mike needs to work out why it all went arse over tit, to use an english vernacular.

So if any of you guys know who it was (or if it was you!), let us know.

Anyway, we got home ok and Mike has decided to chuck out the U.S. morphine-based pills for something less vomit-inducing and more trippy. Fingers crossed we'll be back next year!

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Sorry Mike, the Coiler wasn't hurt was it? I've dislocated both shoulders over the years snowboarding ( but I was lucky not to break anything), something about when you hit the snow, shoulder first, everything else keeps going but your arm stays there. That, and broken ribs from falling on my forearm, is why I wear body armor now. You should have opted for the body armor instead of the butt pads. You might even have retained your limbo crown. How bad is the break and will it require surgery? Heal quick and I'll see both of you guys at SES 07. Bill

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Hey Mike,

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

I was watching from the sidelines on the fateful day...

You were making great turns going by with good speed.

(wishing I had a camera).....

You came by me at the top of a steeper pitch, and basically caught an edge in transition.....(wishing I was carrying a 1st Aid kit).

The Ski Patrol response was fast, they were on scene with you within minutes of calling from the lift shack. You were gone by the time I got back up/down the mountain...

We will laugh about this over a pint, when you come back next year?

Get well soon.


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Thanks all for your reassuring words – most importantly: the Coiler was fine!

Big thanks Paul – yes the patrol were super efficient as were A&E – I think maybe because they had many bigger fish to fry that day. The place was carnage when I got there! I’m off to the fracture clinic on Monday to see a specialist.

At the moment all my surfing buddies are phoning in saying “can you hold a camera ok?” – looks like I’m photo monkey for a while :D

We intend to be back next year – I’ll be the one wearing American footballer shoulder pads - Cheers and thanks again


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Especially the surfers breakfast - Thick cut chips (french fries) with melted chedder cheese on top.

Mountain biking on the cliff paths in the morning, pie and a pint for lunch, an hour or so nap in the tent, and the hit the surf as the tide turns.

The memories are good, but I wouldn't swap the snow for anything.

Good luck with that injury Mike


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Surfing (channel surfing on the tv for the next few months) is still the daddy for me - probably because it’s so accessible from where I live. That said - mountain air and sunlight is always a good option at this time of year.

You seen the tow-in pictures of the Cribbar from last week? In the grand scheme of things it’s not epic but for England it’s a big wave.

see: http://www.a1surf.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1139872617

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Doh!!!! :barf: Mike, really sorry to hear about your injury, are you sure you weren't performing secret limbo preparation manuvers when it happened??? With all the tow in stuff going on in the surf world you won't need the use of you arm, just trade in the coiler for a jet ski. Great to see you and your family at the ses again this year. Heal quickly!!! Tom

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Mike, one of the last things you said to me before I left Aspen was "get a 179 Freecarve II" with my Donek raffle win. I did, and also picked up an "unwanted" Coiler FreeCarve with the exact specs I would have asked for had I ordered it myself. I'll make some turns on both of them for you. Bill

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