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TD2 design

Gabe T

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So just got me a set of TD2s and was curious about a couple of things. On the Step-in receiver, I noticed that the outside has a bit of a divot where the pin holes are. In effect, it seems to thin out the part of the receiver that would wear out the quickest from the inside. (I wore out my original TD1 receivers quite significantly from the inside.) The TD1s didn't have this divot and I was wondering if it served any functional purpose.

BTW, has anyone fitted the TD2 receiver on the original TDs? Would it work ok?

Also, will the center disk on the TD2s touch the board? I know it's supposed to float, but it seems like tightening the disk in conjunction with putting pressure while riding might cause some contact with the board. Has anyone noticed marks after removing the bindings after use?


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BTW, has anyone fitted the TD2 receiver on the original TDs? Would it work ok?
No, the hole spacing is different. It's too bad too because the TD2 receiver is a superior design because of the slot that lets you see if the heels are in. Also, my TD1 receivers were seriously worn after just one season, while my TD2 receivers haven't shown any wear at all in about 30 days. It must be a different material.

I wish they were made of steel instead like the F2 and Xbone bindings. If I was making mods, that's the receiver I'd try to use.

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Thanks Bob. My TD2 receivers don't have any noticable wear, and I've used one pair between 20-30 times. Not even the outer gray surface is worn. I thought maybe you guys had used a harder alloy or something.

My TD1's have enough wear after one season that I had to swap them front/rear.

I almost never used to grease the TD1 receivers, but I always grease the TD2's slightly before I ride each day. Maybe that makes all the difference.

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Thanks for the replies. Here's a pic of my old TD1 reciever. Based on the wear, it looks like I did have the pin closer to the rear of the engagement slot. However, it does look like there was still a bit of downward loading based on some slight wear at the bottom of the Pin Receiver Slot. Didn't recall any noticeable slop when I was using these though.

In the future, I will try greasing as advised to reduce the wear.

So does Bomber still have stock of the TD1 receivers? (Just sent an email to check.)



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