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Record number of hardbooters at Cypress!


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Well, I finally have a hardbooting buddy committed to riding at Cypress! Last night was our first on slope meeting – what a pleasure not to be a lonely ranger any more. Kevin rides a beautiful Coiler AM – right weapon for yesterdays soft fresh conditions.

I tried my new Cocoon, which was too racy and small-nosed in pow, so I switched back to my old Hooger. Review of Cocoon would have to wait for firmer snow day…

Now, after shifting to Eagleside chairlift, we saw another guy on plates. We pushed a bit trough line and set on the same chair with him. This was unspeakable – 3 hardbooters on the same chair! Newer seen on Cypress before! Ok, the 3rd guy had plates on freeride twin tip board (too uncomfortable with his F2), but hey – still a hardbooter!

Considering the mystery man on asym board, spotted by Kevin and me on separate occasions, and another guy with RT (former racer getting back into carving after a long pause), we might have a local “club” soon!

I get a lot of usual questions about my gear, but riding with another guy doubled the amount of comments: “do you guys race? are these speed boards? your board is so cool, etc…”

What can I say – the rest of Vancouver crowd, join the club!


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I've been hardbooting up at Cypress for over 15 years, and I can count the number of hardbooters I've met on the hill with 1 hand.

I'm up every Thursday evening, look for me on Catek Olympics with a quiver of Winterstick boards and an orange Patagonia parka....On the weekends I'm up with my girls, but they're on skiis, so I can't charge as fast.


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Good to hear from another one! Numbers are rising!

I'll be on the hill tomorrow morning. Short worm-up on Easy Rider first, after that maybe one run on Collins or Horizon, after that on the Fork... Grey/blue jacket and large helmet...

On Sundays I teach Kids Camp, ski - ask for Boris M at the office, or by magic carpet.

Looking forward to meet you!



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  • 2 weeks later...

What I'm doing wrong?

I saw 2 new guys today. One on top of the mountain. I said hi and made comment about rarity of alpine boards. He smiled pointed on my board and rode away ?!? Now, when I think of it, he looked Japanese (or Asian of some kind). Maybe no English...

Later, in the parking lot, while I was going away, another guy just arrived and walked straight towards me, and than right past without even looking at me/my board. Ignored my little greeting, too. :(

Otherwise, conditions were super fast, very hard (ice-coast type of thing) and crowded.

My Cocoon held great edge, even on steeps... Well, so long as I did the things right ;)

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There's 3 of us that ride (together) over at Grouse on a regular basis. We have passes there, so it doesn't make much sense to go over to Cypress (even though it's probably a better hill for carving). The 2 others I ride with are my new recruits to carving, so they're still getting the hang of it. We should all meet up someday and carve around all the rails in the park : )


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Hey Jasson,

Good to hear from you again!

Same thing here - seasonal passes (staf in my case)... Maybe we came and visit you guys one week, and then you return the visit next?

Still making snowboards? I have to come visit you at your factory sometimes...


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Another 2 guys on Cypress!

First one, Tibor, approached me by Kids Camp office - saw my board leaning on the rack. As it turns out, he works in our rentals. We'll definitely ride together next week.

Then later on the hill I met Adrian, very briefly, on a blue Prior.

(Was that Adrian Barr from our forum?)

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Me and by work-mate carve at Seymour. We got coporate passes there so don't get over to Grouse or Cypress much.

Many years ago I'd often run into fellow carvers on any mountain and wouldn't get any strange looks on my gear. These days I have yet to see another unknown hard booter (at least at Seymour) and everyone gives my gear a double take and sometimes ask me the strangest questions...

sometimes I feel so old

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Good idea Kevin!

It seems to be about 10+ carvers in Van. Enough for WES (Whistler Expression Session)! Maybe we do it one Sturday to make it easy for everyone? Like 1st week of March, maybe?

Soooo, who's in?


PS I'll be on Cypress on Thursday, 7pm. Anyone joinning?

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Kevin, Tibor and me got together for evening shredding. George never pitched up or we just missed each other.

Another guy on BX board and soft boots approached us, all exited. It's a former racer, and looking forward to ride with us on plates. Well, the way he ripped on soft setup, he'll be able to show us a trick or two...

Conditions for the evening: Very hard pack to icy, with patches of solid ice. Extreme winds.

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Saw another unknown hardbooter in the ticket line. He didn't wait for me, but said to meet him on slope...

After my first run I bumped into Pierre. We met last year and carved together one day, but have never seen each other after that... So, we were both very happy to have company for the morning. Pierre's got a brand new Sword! The thing looks awesome, I'll try it some other time. Pierre will join our little Cypress club, and attend WES, too.

We found an exceptionally well groomed run - Midway (a steep blue) and shredded it into pieces for couple of hours. Later on it turned icy and ski/board school started giving the lessons right at the run of towards lift, so we moved elsewhere.

I was quite in the groove. Epic, sunny day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And one more yet!

Actually, Kev and me spoke to this guy very briefly few weeks ago, but he was on plates and freeride board then...

Now, the friendship's been established.

Sanyin rides an older F2 165 with a very narrow waist (maybe 17.5 - 18?) and can rip some decent turns on good snow.

Funny enough, he's from my country of birth!? He'll definitely ride with us, but not on WES (too short notice).

Fraternity is growing.

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Hi guys,

Finally In signed up for bomber. I set up my new(old) board with the binding today. The broken Rossi (at WES) bent my catek binding a little bit as well, it should be OK though. Whistler was great!!!! See you on the slopes.

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