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First day out this season


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Finally made it up today! First time out this season and had a blast :biggthump . Had a car load with my 3 kids and a friend but we still made it up in a reasonable amount of time and got in a pretty good day. Conditions here were decent, couple inches of new on-top of concrete, but still rideable. Just missed Trikerdad, saw him tearing it up on his Madd, but being the wise one he is, he cut out as soon as the lines started forming. Caught up with Ralaan and made some turns together, he, me, & the boy. That 185 Speed he rides is definitely alot of board. Dr. Sandman was in attendance too, but he's taking a season off to heal properly. Hats off to a man that can go to the mountain, support his daughter who's on the race team, be surrounded by alpine riders and still show restraint! We'll be making turns before you know it next season buddy! Zach got to try out the 148 Renntiger today, he was a little nervous steppin' up 13cm in length, but he did fine and knocked off the rust and was back in form quicker than his old man.... :o As for me, I've got my heelside problem to get back to work on and a miriad of other techinque problems, but damn did it feel good to get out and make some turns. Good seasons to all of you out there, ride when you can and share the stoke with someone. Days like today remind me of why I do this,

Have fun,


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He was cranking turns inside my tracks as we rode down the hill together on that Speed. I was on my Silberpfiel (big surprise :rolleyes: ) and it's a 168, so I'd say he was doing pretty darn good. Rob makes riding that 185 look easy, I can't ride my 178 Burner that tighthly although this year I vowed to put more days on it to justify my keeping it. Riding with someone definitely heightens the experience, especially when it's mutually beneficial technique wise. It was cool riding with one another and I heard more than one hoot 'n' holler from the chair lift as we made our way down the slopes. SES must be a blast with all those hardbooters together at once, maybe next year.....

Have fun,


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