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1st day of season...off to somewhat rough start


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so in my case, our season is really only dec - mid march, and being mid atlantic, freakish warm spell is very possible. in addition, i have not been training like i should have since july. (I'm taking a break from krav maga, which was good overall conditioning and great cardio), but I've definitely improved my strength and overall cardio in teh short time i have been conditionin. my point is I don't have a long time to see the dramatic improvements that months (or longer) of working out (or whatever) will generally yield, and sportlegs is, to me, at least worth a shot. plus I don't have big, strong legs to begin with. I have a feeling I will be much better next time out, sometimes muscles just need to be "reactivated" I guess.

Scott, I will respectuflly disagree re: equipment and technology and character of athletes. you do not need to be a world class athlete in order to benefit from technology advances in gear. Many people overestimate their abilities that's human nature, but some boards will hold an edge better than others, etc.

I can't comment on the thermals but I have no reason to not believe any of the fellow BOLers who claim they work...

re: athletes, although I'm only 27, I would think most agree that athletes before my time had a LOT more character. of course teh lucrative deals and endorsements weren't so completely ridiculous, team LOYALTY existed, and athletes were much more of role models. Cal Ripken was the last of a dying breed. now many (not all) of them are sell out cry babies who complain when they are asked to wear a suit off the court, coordinate elaborate dances after scoring a touchdown, go to the highest bidder, talk trash about their own teammates, act dumb when asked about 'roids (schilling, mgwire, and palmeiro are pieces of sh*t!) and lastly, although many of them went to college, I'm not sure how many of them actually learned anything in college. that being said, i admit I watch NFL. many sources to blame, including us, the public...that's a whole 'nother topic, though.



must be the wax, eh?

1-2-3 waaaaah! :eplus2:

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I don't really need to read this. I've only done one day this season, and only lasted about 8 runs before my legs totally gave it up. I'm really disappointed as I've been doing static bike cardio religiously for the last 3 months, and while the VO2 seems to have improved markedly, the legs determindedly stay as low rep bodybuilder legs ...

Anyway, am off to Snowperfomance camp in 2 days and am really not looking forward to getting my a$$ kicked. The last time I rode for 3 days was in January, and at the end of the third day I could barely stand up. I shall probably have to be dragged out of bed next Monday morning!

But it's nice to know it's not just me!

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