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Nbc Winter Olympics Poll


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The "smart" people at NBC have a poll on the NBC website where you can vote for your favorite Winter Olympics sport.

They have 4 skiing choices (Alpine, Freestyle, Cross Country, Jumping), but no mention of the 3 Snowboarding disciplines !!

But, of course, you can vote for Curling!!

The Skiiers have been voting like crazy!

To see for yourself, go to http://wnbc.com/olympics2006/index.html

To flame them try: sports@wnbc.com

Why not tell them what you think? Don't be bashful!!

Update - my email to sports@wnbc.com, found on their website was just returned as "undeliverable".


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Doesn't suprise me-the network execs are probably skiiers and the attitude that the skidders(their kids) have that it is not "core" to consider riding a sport and hence something that athletes might do.


I personally like watching boardercross and racing, but then, I also like watching ski racing, too, which definitely makes me not "core"

P.S. "kid" to me is anyone under 25

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Can't wait for the Winter Olympics. I have even blown off registering for a paper next semester so I can snowboard every weekend and spend ten days in Feb glued to the TV.

Huge fan of the ski racing, the halfpipe, boarder and skiercross, and the speed skating (esp the short track). :1luvu:

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Guest Randy S.

Just an FYI, wnbc.com is the local NYC affiliate. www.nbc.com would be the broadcast network. I know it is hard to remember that things happen outside the NY Metro area, but at least your poll isn't aimed at the whole country.


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Personally, I am thiniking this is our Last Best Chance to get Alpine some exposure. I really think that if Klug can make a run, he will get some air time... They will beat the heck out of the liver transplant deal, but it will get coverage. CBC will give oodles of coverage to JJ Anderson in PGS and BX if he is remotly close to snowboardings first "Double GOLD" in the Olympics....

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Personally, I am thiniking this is our Last Best Chance to get Alpine some exposure. I really think that if Klug can make a run, he will get some air time... They will beat the heck out of the liver transplant deal, but it will get coverage. CBC will give oodles of coverage to JJ Anderson in PGS and BX if he is remotly close to snowboardings first "Double GOLD" in the Olympics....

Klug made an excellent show last time. Bronze medal, first American snowboard racing medal, he got to carry the 9/11 flag into the arena, the transplant.... every angle was worked, and he delivered for us big time. IF he doesn't do it again, it won't be as if his potential was squandered. He's done his part and then some.

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