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OT - Things I learned from a recent trip

C5 Golfer

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I just returned from visiting family in Iowa. I flew from Seattle to Omaha thru Denver on United.

1. 50% of the people traveling these days are obese, overweight, fat. (You pick the term)

2. 25% of the people traveling today are too needy.

3. A 757 seems to have a shorter turning radius than a SUV

4. Once I arrived in Iowa where it was 95° and 99% Humidity, I was quickly re-learned and remembered why I left.

5. Just outside Omaha there is a sign on I-680 that says "Ski Area, Next exit” - I looked around 360° and it is all flat. I learned Nebraskans must be the best skiers in the world.

6. Finally I learned not to discuss religion amongst family members.

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I sat next to a guy on an airplane that was so fat he had to get an extension for his seat belt! Then he had to sit with his stubby little arms crossed over his chest because he was already taking up half of my seat.

A few weeks ago, I went to Six Flags in Denver and they had to ask a guy to leave the ride because he was too fat to fit - they couldn't put down the safety bar.

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Michelle, I know how you felt, I took a commercial plane trip to Alaska a few weeks ago and had a rather large man and lady sitting next to me. They both required the lap belt extension. The best part about the 6 hour flight is that once we got up in the air both folks proceeded to sleep for the duration. The gentleman was sitting next to me, his head rolled over to my side and he began to snore right in my ear, mouth was agape, drool was rolloing down his chin and into the folds on his neck. Good thing this guy had folds on his neck or he would've had some huge neck pain when he woke. 3/4 into the flight the attendant saw my predicament and asked me if I wanted to move? "Hell Yeah" i whispered back as I didn't want to disturb Gentle Ben and his mistress.

The attendant found another seat, next to a window and I immediately moved to the other seat. In my original seat I was sitting next to the window so I had to climb?? negotiate my way out of my seat and around these two folks. YOU should of heard the words they used on me when I awoke them changing seats.

I arrived in Anchorage and met my nephew in the baggage area, these two obese people who I was sitting next to were pointing me out to the friends, I can only imagine what they were saying.

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I live in the fattest province in Canada :biggthump

Be thankful that when tubby has a heart attack, your healthcare system doesn't make you pick up the tab heheh

There's nothing worse then flying next to a grotesquely obese passenger. A few months ago I was stuck between the window and one on a flight to Toronto; his arms (not to mention his arse) were taking up a third of my seat. The obnoxiously loud snoring didn’t help either, but luckily for me there wasn’t any drool.

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Next time that happens, complain politely and discretely to the a flight attendant. If you are half presentable, they will often move you to business class or at least to another seat if available. Same thing with sporting events. I got seated next to a very large and sweaty person at a Blue Jays game once and without my asking, an usher discretely moved me and my friend to better seating.

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I sat next to a guy on an airplane that was so fat he had to get an extension for his seat belt! Then he had to sit with his stubby little arms crossed over his chest because he was already taking up half of my seat.

Heh, I win this one - once I was in a flight from NY to San Francisco, so a long flight. Ony my right was a truly huge/fat/obese guy who was sitting at the window seat, so he was getting pushed by the fuselage into my seat. He took up half my seat, and I ended up sitting with my right shoulder underneath his left shoulder. To my left was a smelly crazy guy wearing one of those ratty green canvas kinds of jackets you get at the army surplus store, who kept muttering obscenities at the advertisements in the newspaper he was reading and then looking to me for agreement. (.e.g. he'd say "$^#@ Toyota Sale-a-thon! #$%^# those !@#$ing pigs!" and then look to me and ask, "You know what I mean?"). He also made a big, loud fuss everytime he turned the page.

The only thing that made it bearable was the fact that the fat guy was empathetic at least to my predicament. When he first got in and spilled into my seat he gave me this look with his eyes that was clearly "dude, I'm so sorry, but think how bad it would be if this happened to you on every flight," and every time the crazy newspaper man would have a little outburst, the fat guy would look at me with a "wow, this is like the worst flight ever for you, isn't it?" kind of look.

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