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Anyone seen/used these?


Looks uber-cool. I bought a cheap longboard a couple of summers ago and never got the hang of it - I just couldn't control my speed.

This thing lets you "skid" your turns when you want and "carve" when you want...!

A buddy just ordered one, so I hope to see first-hand how well it works, but from the video it looks like something I Must Have.

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Originally posted by johnstewart

Anyone seen/used these?


Looks uber-cool. I bought a cheap longboard a couple of summers ago and never got the hang of it - I just couldn't control my speed.

This thing lets you "skid" your turns when you want and "carve" when you want...!

A buddy just ordered one, so I hope to see first-hand how well it works, but from the video it looks like something I Must Have.

It really looks like a lot of skidding and not much true carving to me. I don't know... the freebord looks like it just has the worse parts of snowboarding to it...

My guess is because you bought a cheap longboard with bad wheels. If you paid as much money as you would for say a freebord... you could get a nice deck that carves and is slideable for speed checks. I have a Loaded Vanguard myself and I can break it into a slide with a little preparation (I have really grippy soft wheels, it would be easier with harder duro wheels)... not quite good enough for true speed control... but I don't go more than 25 mph so I can control my speed with carving (just as you would do on a alpine snowboard) and with footbraking.

In the last year, I've tried carveboards, tierney boards, and I still like longboarding the best. Going to try some slalom this year.

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freebords... i bought one 2 years ago. i hardly ever use it because the thing scares me. i couldn't overcome my fear of getting hurt.

i just got my dragonfly from http://www.insectskateboards.com. i bought it based on on some posts i saw here on bomber. i've only taken it out for an hour but so far i think its probably a better trainer for my needs than say the tierney or freebord.

i have a tierney and its a fun board but i really wanted something for flat terrain.

good luck with the freebord.

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The Freebord is like the Flowlab a good gimic for a niche of skateboarding but only good in that niche. Yes I've ridden both and once I understood the comcepts of what it's used for I've enjoy'd them but I alway return to a "classic" board I thing the Flowlab is a better board for the "Snowboard feeling" it rails better but it isn't good for anything but turning...you can't go fast on either of those boards. The one "Gimic" skateboard that does work well (IMHO) is the Carver C7 truck system and it will work on just about any deck...but when it comes down to it I'd rather just ride a normal board.

The Navy laid down a challange to me yesterday they put one of those automatic speed monitors across the street from my house, which is at the bottom of a small hill. I've taken to gunning the hill 3-5 times a day just trying to go as fast as I can...at present I've hit 36mph which is barely above crawling on my 42" Rocker'd Pin but I've finally figured the technique/route I need to take...once I get over 40mph I'm gonna have my wife shoot a Photo

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