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OK So im spending the week in vail, finally got my xbones/head stratos/intec set up.

I have been having problems with my heel side/control, which made it scary riding at speed, since when i would try to go straight forward, id instead be sliding at and angle little bit unless i was holding a little toe side pressure.

Case in point, Snow was a little soft, i was on this cross trail on the first run of the day, had my bindings set at like 63 i think, and i catch an edge right at the side of the trail which drops off into the trees(again this trail was going across the mnt between 2 dh trails) where normaly it would have just been a frontside slam, instead im upside down and backward in the air for what felt like 20 ft(probably less, but i got that slowmotion feeling) luckily the snow was soft pack powder and the trees wereabout 20-30 from the trail and not too dense, plus i had the prensence of mind to try to slow my slide on my back before i came close to the trees. whew that was an experience..

So i slacken my bindings to about 47, seems much better, but still having trouble on my heelside turns/control, i start trying to push my rear knee into my front knee and that seems to help. Is that right?

BUT GEEEZ my rear heel is just killing me, almost rubbed raw, i tried to tighten the second buckle more, but it didnt seem to make much of a difference. I started to hurt to where i could barley ride, and i only did a half day today.

My bindings came with heel lifts (xbone carbons) would that help? because it was begining to be a not so good experices, just when i think im starting to get my heelside.(toe side turns are just fine) Ill be in my soft boots tommorow.

Anyone else in vail this week?



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Sounds like your shoulders are not as parallel with the board as they should be in a straight run, which causes the board to crab, if you're not on your heels you're going to be flying like you did...try looking over your shoulder until you're ready to rotate the start of your turn...rotation NOT counter rotation, right...Good luck, Pete

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yeah i tried that, i can keep them parallel on my toe side no problem, feels just fine, but on the heel side it seems really tough.

Why did it help when i tried to push my rear knee forward? that helps gie me a little more parallel, but its tough to keep in that position, and again the top of my rear heel was really sore.

In some ways it almost fell like id like my rear binding angle to be steeper than the front.

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I'll be crashing at Vail most of the week and would be stoked to blast a few runs with you. I'll be doing the 'sun circuit': crashing on groomers until the sun thaws things out, then getting into mischief off-piste.

<img src="http://tinypic.com/2kk9ac" alt="Good riding at Vail">

Hope to make some turns with you,



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