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Skiing in Alberta Canada


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The crew from Backcountry Life join up with friends to go snowcat Skiing in Alberta Canada. We ride with Castle Mountain SnowCat operation in Alberta Canada. We flew into Calgary Canada then drove 2 and a half hours to the Castle Mountain Ski Resort. In the morning we meet for the riders meeting to go over avalanche safety. We had a total of 12 riders in our group which mean we filled the entire snowcat. We rode fresh powder most of the day.


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Cool concept. Looks like you had a great day.

If anyone in your group is still around Castle has been getting a bunch of fresh this week, 30 cm the last two days. They are closed due to wind/cold today but there will be plenty of wind sift in the hollows. If it is too cold go to Fernie but if too wet or busy at Fernie check out Castle. They both get a lot of snow but there is often  ~8 deg C difference. 

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