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front/back side toe/heel side imbalance?


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Reading this article got me thinking:

Went through the progression as described in the article:
Preferred toe side 
then heel side and toe side lacking.
But I seems to have start the cycle all over again?  Is that normal?

There are couple seasons where toe/heel are "equal" oh baby those were good....
when it's balance; it's sweet.

Now I need to paid more attention on heel side as i can bleed off more speed (sometime caused stalling on less steep If i am not paying attention).
On toe side; it's just no brainer.

It could be setup/tweaking.  Thoughts/comments:  keyboard snowboarding on a Monday lol.

Just more things to work on i guess 🙂

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When I started to feel that my heel side became much stronger, I started to decrease my rear heel lift/boot lean. This helped me to increase toe side edging angle. At the same time heel side did not become much weaker, as I already know how to do it...
For me the rule is - if i hit slope with my knee too much, time to decrease lift/lean.

P.S. I do not think that anyone needs to be too concerned about imbalance, unless there are obvious problems. When you do "perfect" toe and heel side turns, heel side will be a bit better anyways - we can not completely eliminate physical properties of our bodies. 

Edited by dgCarve
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My experience has been the similar sentiment with the article.   Once my technique was refined, I found myself to be much more confident with my heel side turns.  The body angulates more naturally in that position and it’s the side that feels more powerful when edging.  It also feels safer when you happen to lose grip; a bit a hip slide if you’re already low and you can pop back up and continue if you’re carrying enough speed.  Nothing worse than the dreaded toe side chatter on ice when you’re going Mach 10!

The differences are most noticeable for me when conditions demand fast transitions into high edge angles (fast conditions, steeps, ice).  I was reflecting on this after reading some recent threads and I think part of this can be attributed to the heel lift in my boots that I’ve always been dealing with.  Perhaps time to look seriously into other boot/liner options!

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will try decrease heel lift(back foot) to see if it help.  It's on my to do list to see how it treat my poor shin.
No problem per se.  Just fine tuning and looking for tips on striking balance between the 2 edges so its effortless/set it and forget it/lazy carving 🙂

Developing this annoy heelside stalling/bleed too much speed off which mess with carve flow when transition from steeper section to mellower section.

I am dialing in new boots so that might be root cause;  may just need to re-adjust/commit new muscle memory.

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My personal problem on toe edge was bad weight distribution. Too much weight on front leg. I did not really feel that when conditions were fine. But recently I had to ride a lot in very icy conditions. I was loosing toe edge a lot and falling. It was not a problem on heel side. So that forced me to work on my weight balance, as a result I improved my toe edge.

And another point what Gabe mentioned. When you start loosing heel slide edge, you always have an option to slide a bit and quickly lock the edge again. It is much harder to do on toe edge... When conditions are demanding and we are in trouble, many of us forget proper technique and start bending at waist on toe edge :-(...

Interesting that most of the bad racers' crashes, I have seen on youtube, were actually on toe edge.

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