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MHES update

Mike T

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MHES is still scheduled for May 13-16 2005.

I deeply regret having to say this, but unless we see a major turnaround in the weather, we will only be able to carve on Palmer, which is the upper lift at Timberline. Palmer can be rather steep for beginning and low-interrmediate level carvers, especially if it is icy. Also, Timberline tends to not run the Palmer chair in spring if there is wind or fog.

I still hope to see many people show up, but I am recommending that anyone thinking of travelling to MHES from any distance keep a close eye on the weather and snowpack before finalizing any travel plans. Also, unless we get more snow on the Magic Mile runs, this event may not be the best time for beginners to get started.

I intend to make MHES an annual event, even though I am moving from Mt Hood to Mt Bachelor. (Maybe a Bachelor day or two to go with the Hood days though ;) ) I would like to take a momemt to thank everyone who donated to MHES and who is sponsoring it. Please consider your donations and sponsorship applied to the '06 event in the event that '05 becomes "MHES Lite".

The web site is www.mhes.net. Timberline's site is www.timberlinelodge.com. Timberline needs to report about a 90" base before Magic Mile should be considered carvable with anything but your rock board; the current 45" base means limited grooming and rocks everywhere until you get up to Palmer.

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Bachelor is no more of a sure thing for mid-May than Timberline at this point. I am open to pretty much anything that lets the event happen.

If anyone has already booked air/hotel to come to MHES, please drop me a line so that I know what your plans are. The last thing I want to do is screw over anyone who is paying to come here.

I would like to know what others think about moving part or all of it to Bachelor assuming that they've got more snow later on than TLine. I would appreciate some feedback some anyone who has carved at Bachelor very late in the season regarding coverage, snow quality, and grooming.

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Guest Randy S.

If you dropped the "H", you could move it to Mammoth? This season most of the Tahoe resorts also look like they'll have late closing dates. Heavenly yesterday announce they're moving their closing date from Mid-April back to May 1. Squaw and Alpine will probably be open well into May, unless March/April turn really warm.

Heck, if you move it to Tahoe in May I might even be able to get the clearance from my Doc to ride!

For now though, I continue to have this as my "smiley.": stingray.gif

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