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its about having the eyes a few inches from the snow... and since its yet impossible to achieve without touching the snow, it leads to touching it with the body, but the eyes ;).

Goal is not to touch it but approach new feelings that you get when your head is cruising at altitudes only crawling babies or yorkshire dogs meet!


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....does it really matter? 3 important factors of riding will always apply to ever rider.

1: Safety is first

2: Ride with the comfort and the ability to hold the turn.

3: Enjoyed what you can do and have fun:D

I often change my style to the changing conditions. I personally love to touch the snow. I ride so low that my chin is 2 inches above the snow. I love to see the snow real close while carving low. I feel have a sense of power. :cool:

nils quote:

"its about having the eyes a few inches from the snow... and since its yet impossible to achieve without touching the snow, it leads to touching it with the body, but the eyes ."

I agree 110%

Is it cheesy? I have to disagree with that 150%.


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Originally posted by christoph

Hmmm ...... don't try to reach for the snow, but one day the snow is coming up to you.

If you ask for "anything wrong", there's a point I personally don't like in this pic .......

Hmmm, I'm not sure that I understand what you meant by these pictures? Could you elaborate?

On the topic of hair splitting/EC vs. race style/or whatever is moot point here: I have to agree with Zcarver: do whatever pleases you and is not dangering others. Though not so sure about riding within ability, in order to progress you have to ride sometimes over 100% of your ability (or what you think your ability is). Of course in crowded slopes this is not possible.

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