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180cm Riot Velocity


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I picked up this board last year from the old out-of-business Quantum factory. I was wondering if anyone has ever ridden it or has opinions on the board. I have only ridden it once, but it was a soft day.


Length: 180

Nose: 23.5

Tail: 23

Waist: 18.5

Sidecut (according to Nate W's calc): ~12m

Any thoughts?


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Guest rowanpg

Gord I also picked up one of those deals a couple of years ago,

180 cm Riot Velocity, I was really not sure about the ride but I couldnt say no to the great price. What I got was a rocket that begs to be driven.. or rather demands it!! Edge to edge faster than a speeding bullit, the only concern that i have with it is finding a run without so many of those little pylons with skis on. I enjoy it most for the first 10 runs or so first thing in the am then switch to a shorter board for the after lunch sessions.

Now I just have to learn to ride it!

Have fun with it,




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I believe that the place was out in Calgary somewhere. I managed to get the deck from my old coach who knew a former employee who picked up all the leftover boards.

Unfortunately though during my first ride, I managed to strip the sidewall...I mean that it totally fell off.

Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can fix this one side?

So Rob, I'll bring the board to Osler regardless, but will only ride it/let people ride it if I get it fixed...Since there is no company anymore, no warranty so I really don't want to delam the thing.

Assuming that my ankle gets better (sprained 3 weeks ago) I'll have all pistons firing at Osler.

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Try a major ski repair center...anyone who does serious repairs can handle it especially if you have the original piece of ABS...it's not a hard job it just needs to be not right the first time...most major resorts have a shop in town who can handle it...actually some of the smaller places have the know how though maybe not the tools/time...I used to do sidewall repair on Ski's when I worked at Flite...though for for stuff over my head I usually sent folks to one of the shops in the Boston area (been too long and I can't remember)

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