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Rossignol 190 scr?


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Just curious...someone let me ride this board yesterday...anyone know the scr on it?

Ive never been on a 190...felt a little unwieldy to me, but the turning radius felt ok (aside from when I forgot that I needed to go faster to turn it and just tipped over a few times:))

sorry..dont know the actual model...it was yellow with white pinstriping

(thanks again Greg for lettin me ride it!)

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The WC 190 is 17 and the WC 184 is 15.

What are you getting from Bruce?? why do you think you want to change it??

I had both of the Rossi's and have a 196 (17+ SCR) and a 186 (15 SCR) coming from Bruce right now. If you need any questions answered I'll be glad to tell you what I know.


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well...I was (am) getting a PR184 (13.2scr) and I thought that was "big" and that something 14 or 15 would feel too long to me...but...riding that 190 I realized i could "handle" a bigger board, and a little longer SCR wouldnt kill me.

Im 6'2" and 210 or so...so size isnt an issue.

I dont have a lot of experience with modern carvers.

basically it was just a comparison. The 190 felt a little long and clunky, and Id like something that can turn at slower speeds, is easier to put the brakes on, but can still light it up when theres room to do so.

wonderin if the PR184 with 13.2 is gonna be too little:)

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The 13.2 is a really good choice for an all around board and the PR with its taper will be great for letting it rip when you want to. The taper helps it track much smoother and not hook up the hill at the end of the turn, releases smoother. You could go to the 15 side cut but then I think you may be a bit overwhelmed by needing speed more often to get nice carves.

That being said a lot has to do where you ride and the terrain you have. I ride fairly wide open, no traffic, hero snow conditons...Buttermilk...that is why I have the 2 new Coilers coming. But when I go to Snowmass or Beaver Creek or Aspen Highlands I tone it down to my 11 meter board. That allows me to have fun all over the place with varying conditions.

If I had to pick only 1 board to take anyplace I think your choice is right on!!!! Stick with it and i think you'll be pleased....It should do it all. I plan on trying one of those out this season and maybe putting in an order for it for next season. Unless I can find a used one


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Cool! I knew you could do it!!

They are a couple of my favorite riding bros.

Good guys that rip and pull no punches.

They may tend to exaggerate just a wee bit.

The only thing worse than this NASTY illness is

knowing I missed a great session with my bros.

Hope to make it down soon after recovery.

Welcome to the "Big Boy's" club.:D

Its all good. I do prefer the bigger boards

and you are in a great place to put them

through their paces.

Enjoy. Bryan

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Guest Randy S.


I have a RC 184 from Bruce. It is awesome. Very stable at very high speed. No worries there. You can still turn it well enough at slower speeds and put the brakes on when someone cuts you off. I have a couple reasons for having a bigger board in the quiver. One is just fun/shock factor. Its a hoot when my skier friends look down and notice that my snowboard is longer than any pair of skis they've ever had. The other is just smoothness at high speed in SG type carves on an open slope. 17m SCR is a great thing if you have the slope to yourself. I love putting it in full carve and still only making large radius turns. That said, I could easily live with a max 184 size board.

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Guest Randy S.
Originally posted by Neil Gendzwill

I feel old, I haven't owned a pair of skis shorter than 200 since high school.

I'm in the same boat. I bought a pair of skis when my son was 2 so I could teach him to ski. They are 185 and so they are way long these days. I also have a pair of 225s in the garage that a friend gave me. They are fun but scary since there are no DIN numbers on the Salomon bindings (DH skis aren't supposed to come off I guess). I raced on 203s in school, those were the biggest skis I'd had.

All that said, the snowboard I was talking about was my 210, not my 184. Very few people ever owned skis longer than 205.

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184 GS PR II would be the best choice if you HAVE to change your mind. Just a bit less sidecut, and still perfect for all around riding. The 15m sidecut will force you to always have another board around in case. You can ride the PR II all day and never worry. OR you could just leave Bruce alone and take it as ordered! Bruce is just 20 minutes from me, should I go and bug him for you?

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Originally posted by Chris Houghton

Bruce is just 20 minutes from me, should I go and bug him for you?

YES! DEFINITELY! I got on the list in APRIL! (didnt actually narrow it down to what board specifically until Dec13 tho...)

Im tryin to be patient though:)

think Ill stick with the 13m for now...later this season if I think I need to step up Ill just order another one for next year...


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My $0.02

I find that the longer turning boards aren't as versatile as smaller sidecut boards. Unless you have some weird fetish of having your lips curled back on your teeth full time, you probably won't have fun day after day on a 15M+ board. Sure it is fun for a few runs and does have its place on a race course but to ride it all day, it will kick the shiznit out of you. They are no fun on faster cat tracks either, you just cant turn them, there is not enough room. I am sure if you look at the mountain map where you ride, there will be only 3 or 4 runs that you can crank that baby out. You don't want to be limited to those runs do you?

By the way, I love my 188 Pr GS but only ride it a handfull of days when I ride with my wife who stays on intermediate groomed runs. It works great on the steeps too, but I am hardpressed to find many runs wide enought to finish my turns.

If you think I am nuts and wrong, then disregard the above statement.:D

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I dont think youre nuts or wrong at all, man. I appreciate the input

I really was just curious about the specs of this board I rode. someone said he thought it was 15m, but it sure felt longer than that, and it WAS a LOT of work to ride, and I dont even LIKE going that fast, to be honest, so I dont need the lipcurling capabilities

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