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Rookie but not so rookie....

Mister Sandman

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Hi to all!

Before I get to my questions, a little bit of background: I am 47 yo am 5'9" and weigh 172lbs

Started hardbooting in '97 in Italy for 1 year then moved to soft boots until now. I

moved to the US in New York 7 years ago and here in the east cost slopes suck (mostly ice and groomed trails with short runs)

So I decided to move to speed :)

I just purchased a used Rossi VAS 166 with Burton bindings. I purchased a pair of used Raichle 124 but they didn't come in on time and I was dying to try the board. I

tried 1 run with ski boots and had to stop immediately as I felt unnatural pressure on my left shin (goofy) and was afraid of shin bang.

Anywho, after all this tedious blabla, as I am a lazy f**k :) I was thinking about stepins. Again, I am a rookie as far as hardbooting.

So my qyestion is: are X-Bones really out of the question? As I can get them relatively cheap (since no one seems to wan them) I read so many negatives but you guys are aggressive and been doing this for a while. But before spending $400 on a binding and $500+ on boots I would like to make sure this is a possible "future" for a oldie like me.

Your thoughts are welcome! :)

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keep your ski boots, and spend the wonga on a set of TD3 sidewinders with a 3+3 or 3+6 set of cant discs.

thx for your input. Well my Raichle boots are coming in tomorrow (nor'easter permitting...) sO at the moment I am set up as far as boots are concerned. It is the binding that I would like to look into replacing with a step in.

I read all about the SW and - other than the price - it looks great but not step in... also, before spending that kinda dough I betta be sure i want to continue hardbooting ...

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TD2 step ins with TD3 second board kit. Yellow elastomers. Best bang for the buck.

Keep your eyes peeled, there have been some "Too Cheap" Td3 listed lately on BOL classifieds, you will have to act fast.

Other wise, plenty of full on TD3 SIs going around 300$. That saves you the hassle of finding the afore mentioned TD2 combo.

Any chance you could hook up with a local carver? It is really important to help you get past your first day back. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/forumdisplay.php?24-NY-PA-NJ

Pick good conditions, stay on the bunny hill the first few runs at least. Pad your ass, knees and definitely a helmet. Maybe wrist guards?

Prepare to be humbled. FYI. It will be worth it. Stay with it.


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Never rode with the X-Bones but I would not strap my feet into them. I am a big fan of the F2 step ins and the F2 Titanflex (a lot more flexible than most step-ins) and the Bomber TD3s are great... You should try to get together with another hardbooter in your area if possible it will help you a lot. It may take some time to learn but it will be worth it, just focus on proper technique and try to advance as fast as possible as soon as you feel ready move to the steeper slopes just try not to stay on the bunny slope too long you will advance faster when you get off on the longer steeper runs. Good luck, stay with it because the learning process can be brutal

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Thanks to all.

My main reason to go to stepins is that I had gread problems strapping in rear foot (with ski boots true) . I think I will first try the used Raichle 124 boots that are coming in, next weekend at Hunter "mountain" (sorry, have difficulties calling mountain a 1,000 ft hill...). Then I will decide. I looked at the Bombers but when I add the heels they are crazy expensive... F2 are (slightly) more affordable. but this purchase probably will have to go together with new boots... ouch! probably will be the Deeluxe 69T. Anyway no HB at Hunter :(


Edited by Mister Sandman
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Weclome to Bomber. Since you are in NY, I would highly recommend attending the Berkshire East mini Session Mark, aka Dingbat is the mountain manager there and has a fleet of demo Prueboarding boards and boots for rent. Plus you'll meet a dozen or so local riders there. Next year we will have the ECES (East Coast Expression Session) in Stratton, usually towards the end of Feb. This is the event of the East where you can demo and try out the latest and greatest gear to your hearts delight as well as free lessons.

Good luck and welcome back to carving

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