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Tibfib break: sidewinders and 4x4 donek plate for loan


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Terribly sorry to hear this Theo. Let us know how we can help. Especially those that have been through it.

Start the stool softners NOW!!

The good news is you are young!!

Get some arm crutches along with the normal ones. Especially if you have stairs to deal with.

Did you have surgery? Nail?

Watch the weight, eat really well/ much less volume.

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Must have been more like Mach-90 as we always called it. A skier friend and local at Mammoth said he had been seeing a tall/goofy footed Hardbooter slaying stump alley all season. Thanks for pushing it Theo. not enough aggressive riders around. Just throttle it back every now and again. At least you will have the dampest right leg out there with all that new titanium/ to quote you from earlier today

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Damn, sucks to hear. Heal up quick - I hope they give/gave you good meds. A few of us have been there. Mammoth is a great place to break your leg though (if i had to pick breaking my leg). The orthopaedic docs there really know how put things back together. And, as stated earlier, Watch your diet while you're down - I gained about 20lbs (165lbs. - heaviest ever in my life). Based on this timing, you should be back and ready for next season.

It's also not the worst thing - I can honestly say, at the end of the day, it made me a better rider (although once is enough - I don't need repeat lessons). Anyway, best of luck to you, and try to stay positive - it definitely helps

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Hey everyone, thanks for the posts. Ill reply to em when im on my computer. I just wanted to check in and let everyone know I can now stand freely. Obviously with most of my weight on my good leg, but Im making progress. No takers on my gear? I've been trying to get most of my gear loaned out, its sad to have it here when it needs to get ridden!

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Hey everyone, thanks for the posts. Ill reply to em when im on my computer. I just wanted to check in and let everyone know I can now stand freely. Obviously with most of my weight on my good leg, but Im making progress. No takers on my gear? I've been trying to get most of my gear loaned out, its sad to have it here when it needs to get ridden!

This is great news!! Standing on it already? Damn. I was on a strict "No weight bearing" for 8 weeks. Being young and strong are no doubt factors.

Thanks for the update!! Keep up the great attitude too. Bryan

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Hey Joe, I run blues all around. I'm a very aggressive rider (too aggressive?) and find them to be laterally quite soft. To some degree I would rather have the TD2 bail towers on a TD3 baseplate and e-ring. The TD2 towers in my experience are considerably softer laterally than the TD3 ones.

My blue rings will help out a bit with the feel if you want to borrow those. Next time you're up in Mammoth you're more than welcome to borrow them while you're up here.

Here's my latest update..cross posted from the AIL list

2 weeks later, here's how I'm getting along. The fib apparently will heal correctly and straight thanks to the ligaments, it is only misaligned from sitting on the hard table and isn't a problem. It moves and clicks and pops, pretty fun to play with and surprisingly painless.


Edited by KingCrimson
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Hey Theo,

I'll be on the mountain this weekend, I'll send you an email so we can exchange contact info. I ordered yellow e-rings and yellow e-pads and they should be at my door tomorrow (crossing fingers). I'd still like to try out the blue pads one day to experience the difference in each setup. I'm a pretty easy going carver, no craziness or EC stuff (yet). I'm hoping that the softer pads will help absorb some of the chop that develops mid day and I can ride one board all day long. We'll see. I was talked into taking my carving board down Cornice bowl last weekend. I shoveled all the snow from the top to the bottom, and then St Anton was all clumpy.

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Cornice is REALLY fun to carve in the morning after it's been groomed on a poppy old school GS board. Airborne transitions that just float you forever.

It's fun on metal too but not quite as wild.

I am not in Mammoth right now unfortunately. I wish I was but it looks like I'm stuck down here for like two weeks. I'll keep you posted if that changes.

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