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Anyone know how to write apps?


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We were thinking about making some kind of app for the SES that would allow people to "check in" during the event, so you can find your friends on the mountain. In other words, if I "check in" on Tiehack, then everyone would know I'm riding at buttermilk and in the general Tiehack area.

How many people would use something like this? It would be great for clinics and photos, so people could find the groups if they are late. It would also be cool if you are looking for someone specific.

Suggestions? Comments?

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I do know how to write apps, but i can get your idea. What is the stuff, people checking in and how do they search for person they want? Is that some kind of device or something?

Best way, in my opinion, is to write an app for iphone/android and allow users to share their gps position to find someone, to share photos they take, to share their contact information with people they meet(like all the phones and mails and so on, like getting friends on a facebook, but in app). this will allow to find where your friends are and all the people you interested in. You can even make a map rotate like a compass, so you can see the direction where your firends are but rotating and pointing your smartphone in different direction.

BUT: this are quite complicated (to develop and use) and this is only for iphone-android users. But this is way easier then checking in at every point of the mountain.

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I do know how to write apps, but i can get your idea. What is the stuff, people checking in and how do they search for person they want? Is that some kind of device or something?

Best way, in my opinion, is to write an app for iphone/android and allow users to share their gps position to find someone, to share photos they take, to share their contact information with people they meet(like all the phones and mails and so on, like getting friends on a facebook, but in app). this will allow to find where your friends are and all the people you interested in. You can even make a map rotate like a compass, so you can see the direction where your firends are but rotating and pointing your smartphone in different direction.

BUT: this are quite complicated (to develop and use) and this is only for iphone-android users. But this is way easier then checking in at every point of the mountain.

This is what we are looking for, but sounds complicated and expensive. We definitely don't know how to write this or even where to start.

Kieran, what's google latitude? I have heard of foursquare, but not familiar with it.

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This is what we are looking for, but sounds complicated and expensive. We definitely don't know how to write this or even where to start.

Kieran, what's google latitude? I have heard of foursquare, but not familiar with it.

Google latitude is kind of service that show where your friends are. It shows on a map so you can easily find anyone.


you can't set like a public group. at least you cannot do it in past.

it's not real-time.

for foursquare:

same: no public groups.

and you should manually check in every time.

I use sportstracker app and it can do all the tracks in real time. So you see where i am, what is my speed, and how long i'm riding etc...

Probably you gotta search for something, i bet there's some variants.

Honestly, this is a really great idea for programming. I'd try to do this, but i bet it'd take much time.

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Google Huddle is more like a chat room, which is not so much what I was looking for. I am looking more for something that displays a map (maybe?) of where everyone that is logged into the app is located, with the option to put a note like "riding down Tiehack for the afternoon" or "having lunch in Aspen" or something like that.

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That's the closest match I could find to your requirements. You'd think a family could be larger than 6, that just seems silly as there are much larger families out there. There is another app called Secondary Family locator but I think thats just a way two run two instances of life360 making a total of 12 people.

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Here's the response I got from them:

"You may add

more than 6 people to the account. We officially support only up to 6, but have

seen accounts with more than that working properly. Thank you for using

Life360. "

So....It may actually work. I wrote back and said "Sweet, can I put 100 people on it?"

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Here's the response I got from them:

"You may add

more than 6 people to the account. We officially support only up to 6, but have

seen accounts with more than that working properly. Thank you for using

Life360. "

So....It may actually work. I wrote back and said "Sweet, can I put 100 people on it?"

Haha that's great! I wish I could be there to see it call come together!

Life360 prepare to be BOMBER'd

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I write apps. But it would take a while to write an app like that the last social app I made took over a month and is probably one of the most time consuming apps build (it would not be finished in time) and it is pretty expensive. As others have said there are a few apps that may work but probably not exactly how you would like unless its custom.

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