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Cody's first day hardbooting at Powder Mountain


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Had a great day carving with Buell, Rebecca, Ron and Jim. My son Cody has always been a great soft boot carver so last Sunday we finally had him try hardbooting. Picked up some softer flexing ski boots at the Salvation Army for 4 dollars and I gave him my 9 year old Donek Axis 177 (before Axxess). I couldn't have been more proud of him, watch till the end he makes a big toeside then heelside and I manage to get a good close up of him with the GoPro.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/cof_KLQdXqo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

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Thanks, the kid was gracious enough to say that we were both at fault but I clearly spaced a little at the end of the run and ran into him.

How some carve so well from the first run is a mystery to me. Well done Cody. I would bet he had some major quad burn.

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Too funny.

The kind of stack you and you Son had is just like the kind I'm thinking of in the Carver's WORST NIGHTMARE! thread. You hit him coming past, but he hit you, too because he wasn't looking.

Is that why he thinks it's partly his fault? I'm curious about what he says, as someone who can carve, but isn't really aware of what he's capable of.

A tip for him; If he looks where he's going, he'll clean up his stance on the board. Alot of riders only look down the fall line, even when they're going across the hill and if you do that, your head gets pulled to the outside of the turn and you get stick-out-butt.

He already knows this, but if he looks where he's going, he won't get "cleaned up", either.

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I agree Mark Hidden Lake is great, quite during the week not too many people to keep an eye on. I'm working on carving upper Clairs as smooth as Dickie Moon does, the section with the trees in the center gets me most days. Cody captured a few shots of me on lower Clairs, I enjoy carving the sides and the roller at the bottom. I've missed meeting/riding with Don the past 2 years I'd love to see him ride switch, Rebecca says he carves backwards as well as he does forward. It was 100% my fault running into Cody, we've been riding together for 18 years and I usually give him enough space and stay out of his line. It gave us something to laugh about and nobody got hurt. Cody thanks you for the kind words Jim we had a great time watching you ride, he did say that his front leg did get burning a little.post-2523-141842360973_thumb.jpg

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