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Hi John, It was the front boot that popped out of the binding on about the 10th run. So the inserts, in my case at least, were OK. It was warm in the afternoons so the early morning snow was pretty firm -which was perfect for practicing the technique. I started intentionally, consciously exhaling just prior to heelside turns, really settling into the low stance and then abruptly angulating. It works so well. I'm trying to to gain the discipline where my first reaction to the unexpected is to sink lower and angulate more vs stiffen up, go upright and angulate less. It's working. I also understand what you were saying about how speed helps. Unlike tires with a constant amount of grip, the faster you go, the more g available you have to put weight over the carving edge -the harder you can carve. It's so sweet to take that principle and feel it work. Thanks!

Yep- so much is counter-intuitive to a persons typical reactions.

Someone wrote this in my High School Yearbook.

"Gilmour, If you get nailed, turn the hammer against them."

Some odd quasi-violent kid named Ben Caushaj- said that.

What I take from that bizarre quote ... is when you feel overloaded with force, try to direct that force to your advantage- but don't fight directly against it or it will overwhelm you.

I asked Peyman to calculate the total force a board with a 175lb rider going 40mph through a 9.5 meter radius exerted cutting a 3 inch deep trench in hard snow..

Lets just say... it's really difficult to stand up from a squat with a baby elephant on your back.

The key is to make sure the forces can travel through you to the snow without causing damage. It sure is a workout....and if done correctly I believe it is actually good for your knees, as I helped fix my Chondromalacia (caused by teaching skating and mountain climbing) using full extension and compression from hardbooting- it polished out the bad grooves in my patella and now my knees are quiet (no popcorn) with no swelling after riding at all. I can even run again!

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Guess you weren't around the years I went to


Well there are a couple really good SoCal riders, but I think the Colorado riders have an advantage in numbers with their ideal snow and longer carving season- as well as some of the Oregon and harder snow areas... the North East riders are also solid. I haven't been to every SES, but it seems like there aren't as many carvers in SoCal as there are in other parts. There are really really really stark exceptions.. like my friend Ray for instance- who solidly represented SoCal and kills it everytime.....but he moved to Vegas and then to Switzerland.

I'd just like to see a pack of 25 SoCal riders dominate the next SES. Nothing wrong with that.

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Hi Folks!

Thought I'd chip in here as I too am going up to snow summit tomorrow with Mr. Gilmore for my first lesson! It's my first season in hardboots--out two days so far and struggling...I'm hoping John can get me started with good habits--I'll let y'all know how it goes in case there is another carving neophyte looking to know more about making the switch!:D

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Great day at summit today with John. The weather was perfect and the snow was excellent! On the drive up John primed my brain for the task ahead, so when we got there, within 15 min. I was doing a perfect toe edge carve! Oh what a feeling!:1luvu: The rest of the morning was spent practicing (I have homework) then we moved on to the heel edge--I was wiped out and my back side was damp from all the sitting down(forgot what that was like) but the point is I know what to do/practice. Turns out my board is holding me back (to wide and stiff) but John helped find one for sale that would be perfect! My favorite quote of the day from John:

"Thing is, your board is taking YOU for a ride, not the other way around. You're telling it "Do this--" and it's saying "F**k you.."

He gets to the point that John--and I'm still LOL:lol:

My legs are sore--but in a good way--and I can't wait to get up to the slopes again!

I highly recommend John as an instructor and a boarding buddy--he's awesome!:biggthump


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So I finally got to play Friday before snes #1 at Mt High. The things you showed/demonstrated for me to work on, helped tremendously. I then got 2 days at June with those that still made it. Although on the freestyle/soft setup, found edging toe and heelside to be much easier and carving deeper without the fatigue I usually experienced after 3 days of riding. This morning I still had enough legs to power out 3.5 hours of hard charging firm/slush runs and enjoyed sitting on my heel edge on some runs/pitches that I never thought possible. Thank you so much for giving me some tools that have helped me improve my game! If I can make SNES 2/ I will. tentative for now

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Slopestar- you were able to shake off years of practiced awkward sequences of movements for simpler and more effective sequences ... really quickly. What will surprise you is that ---->even in soft boots- if you are in reasonable shape..mid season..say with 10-20 days under your belt..you should be able to carve ANY pitch that can be groomed....even some winch cat groomed slopes. Of course in hardboots- you don't need as much strength on steeps to carve.

I got in a day at Snow Summit... almost bought the season pass until I learned the special price was only a youth rate :( crappo.

I do want to keep going up...and I am hoping for at least one more San Bernadino Mt. Storm for this season..

I'm having trouble finding ATV UPZ boots. Sold out in my size.. so maybe I will have to wait until net season for hardboots..

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So if we get a few more people on board... we should have a day- when we get everyone I've taught out on the same hill at the same time..

I can toss out a few more pointers- have you guys follow each other in a progression sequence that helps each one of you... pair goofy with goofy regular with regular ... following and trying to emulate each other.

I might even bring out some markers and set a carving course as we move down the hill. And I'll bring lunch for everyone.

To make it fun we need a few more people so we have about 10 or so but it seems everytime I go up... I get another person signing up.

So probably something to think about for next season.. but I was always fun years ago when I got the East Coast crew ripping around at the same time.. I'd just sit back and laugh at the stunned look on the frozen skiers faces... wondering how we were setting edges in hammer proof ice.

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Tim- I still need a few more people- before we get a pack of people out there.

I would go up midweek to Mountain High before it melts out. I have two more tickets to use up tis season... if you feel inclined to get low- call it an end of the season deal where you don't have to pick up my ticket.

I'd go up midweek or weekend.. but Midweek would be a better idea. Typically snow conditions are best Thursday and Friday in preparation for he weekend. If I have a place to stay out to June/Mammoth I would head there too.

I also need to put together a group of skateboard slalomers... in case you did not know I slalom as well. Bullrings is up for skateboard slalom.. and if your avatar is an indicatior.. you might be too.

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Sounds good but I don’t think I can ride midweek because of work. If nothing works before the June SES, then may be you can help me at June and I can pitch in on a group funded lift ticket for you.

Of course I know you slalom skate :) You were on of the ones on Bomber that turned me on to it. You probably don’t remember, but I met you at the Worlds in Morro Bay a long time ago. I would definitely like to skate. I need to find good spots in LA.


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Gilmour & socal crew, it looks like I'll be down at Mammoth the weekend of May 13-15. The date may change, but that's the plan for now. Meeting up with a bunch of my online friends from TGR forum. If you guys will be around, I'll make a point of bringing carving gear with me. Would love to compare notes on teaching carving. My snowboard teaching is limited to race coaching (and being coached) and PSIA Level 1 stuff. It'd be great to spend some time comparing notes, getting tips on both my riding and teaching, and doing some drinking.

I'm seriously considering buying an MVP pass tomorrow. It is good starting May 1 through the end of this season, and all of next season. I usually get a few days each season at Mammy and if I had a pass I'd make a point of getting there even more. It doesn't hurt that there is free camping all over the place in Mammoth. Plus the bc options at Virginia Lakes and around Tioga Pass abound. One of these days I'll even get my butt up to bloody couloir.

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Gilmour & socal crew, it looks like I'll be down at Mammoth the weekend of May 13-15. The date may change, but that's the plan for now. Meeting up with a bunch of my online friends from TGR forum. If you guys will be around, I'll make a point of bringing carving gear with me. Would love to compare notes on teaching carving. My snowboard teaching is limited to race coaching (and being coached) and PSIA Level 1 stuff. It'd be great to spend some time comparing notes, getting tips on both my riding and teaching, and doing some drinking.

I'm seriously considering buying an MVP pass tomorrow. It is good starting May 1 through the end of this season, and all of next season. I usually get a few days each season at Mammy and if I had a pass I'd make a point of getting there even more. It doesn't hurt that there is free camping all over the place in Mammoth. Plus the bc options at Virginia Lakes and around Tioga Pass abound. One of these days I'll even get my butt up to bloody couloir.


Is the that the maggot weekend? Sorry to say, I'll be out of town then, but definitely have fun. There will still be TONS of snow. This past weekend, they had to dig the chairlines out near main lodge. It is ridiculous up there right now.

But definitely go get the MVP. You could easily get your money's worth, even this season! :)

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So, I made it up to June this weekend--VERY warm up there. The melt froze overnight--leaving pure ice Sunday morning :eek: It didn't soften up till about 11am! But once it did I was able to practice my heel turns on the nice wide open slopes of Silverado--pure bliss! By the end of the day I was able to link some turns! Yay! I love my new board:1luvu: we are getting along very well.

Thanks to John, my carving abilities have made huge strides! Thanks John!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I will add my name to the list of people who are happy to have met and carved with John. He really seems to be a master at diagnosing problems and giving very specific instructions on how to overcome them. We only had a very short time to ride together, but it was time very well spent. I only wish we could have done this at the beginning of the season rather than the last day of the season! Maybe I will have to slip up to June before it closes .....


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Terry W. killing to today it on his Coiler... - full reprogramming......carving deep trenches on steeps.

It was like taking a perfectly good computer- erasing Windows 95 - and installing something current. I doubt his friends will recognize him...:lol:

Hey John!! I'm going to need you to reprogram my carving once I get my new Donek Metal FC. If not the end of this season at Mammoth/June, then the start of next season at Snow Summit or Mt High.


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George glad to get you out there- hooking up some turns.

The carving posse is growing...:) The SoCal Massive.

Terry W. got the most abbreviated time on the hill.. no true follow and scrape coaching-gear adjusting, just riding and correcting here and there watching a turn or two... still lots accomplished.

The oddest thing ALWAYS... is the car ride back... when people wonder how everything is so different than what they thought was right on the car ride up. Everyone looks a bit stunned that the path they were taking to carving really was so very different than the one that worked for them this day on the slopes.

It's like trying to get ready for a trip to Europe, you think you are learning Czech for your trip, but you studied Latin instead..and it works a little bit, but not very well....especially since you ended up in Austria. You sit there... pondering, how you spent so much time learning the wrong language.

TW your avatar can change as you don't look anything like that anymore. :) Oh...and your "Deep Thoughts" quote is hysterical.. but it is Jack Handey

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Corrected the quote. Can't believe I missed that! Guess I should read what I type just a little more carefully. Definitely in need of a new avatar. That one is quite out of date. It will be one of my goals for the next time I get a chance to ride! :rolleyes:

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Corrected the quote. Can't believe I missed that! Guess I should read what I type just a little more carefully. Definitely in need of a new avatar. That one is quite out of date. It will be one of my goals for the next time I get a chance to ride! :rolleyes:

I hear ya. John has been instrumental in refocusing and reprogramming me!

except for remembering to look uphill heelside/ 15 seconds in... video is over at 20 seconds.

I have since folded the nose on this freestyle board/ slush killed it. Flow amp 9 bindings, angles 24/9 & 21.5" stance on 162 burton custom. Sean Martin, I need a softboot quiver killer!

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px;">

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  • 3 weeks later...

compare that with the video you sent me before we rode together...

not bad everyone...for a single lesson.

Man ....we are going to get a ripping crew going next season. I know Thumper is killing it too... and I would say for everyone who went up... there is 60-80% further to go. So ...if you guys think this is fun now....lol.. Wait until a few more good carving days and a couple of new techniques to add to your bad of tricks.

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