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it's so good to be back on the snow !


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Some of you read my other post, I got hit by a skier on dec 18th and messed up my shoulder pretty bad.

So after 5 weeks, I'm finally back on the snow, with my new core saver vest. Last week I went, it felt really weird. Did 2 hours on a really easy run just working on technique. Went ok but very scared of other people and falling down.

Went back last friday but it was awfull, super icy after the rain and every single snow gun were running so I bagged it in very early.

Last night was the night! hard pack to ice condition, too my coiler RC metal out for the first time this year. Slow start, fell on the shoulder in the second run, more scare than hurt so that was good. A skiier wizzed by me, had to stop. Then sat down and had a little talk with my brain.

From there things started to get better and better and by the end of the evening I was ripping on the ice. What a relief ! Found my timing back and was feelling my board undermy feet very well.

needed to share that moment ! :)

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I got T boned 7 years ago and blew my left knee completely out. Just back on a board this year and i am also scared too death that i will get hit again. Too the point that i spend most of my time looking behind me. Or waiting till everyone behind me is gone. And still everyonce in a while someone manages to come out of the wood work and get within touching distance. One thing about it though.. i pity the person that hits me in the $1600 cabon kevlar knee brace... it's gonna hurt them more than me

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Blue Bird, yes it is and I'm leaving on Feb 27th to go to colorado ! Staying in Dillon for the week. I'll post our plan later but most likely we will by a 5 day pass to Vail / BV / Breck / Keyston / Abasin and will go around those mountains.

Yup, I hear you Oser, every second carve I would look up.. it got better at the end of the evening when I was alone for the last 30 min ... and it was -20 C

Gotta get the legs back to strong before I leave !

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