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Carrera board


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Hallo once again,

I know that this thread is far away from topics discussed in Carving community. But I hoped to get some help in my investigation.

I happened to posses Carrera board 144 S, purchased in 2005 as my first snowboard, equipped with soft boots and relevant bindings. As I have lived overseas since March 2005, the board was forgotten. Then only out of curiosity I investigated the name of the board and found out it was Carrera.

I am riding hardboots and alpine board now, and simultaneously feel nostalgia for my first board as I never knew what it could. Currently, I am investigating its origin, specifications and structure over the internet with no positive result. There is no simply any information about it.

I am in love with hard boots, but I am afraid of jumping in it onto Carrera board as less of all I want to destroy it during my first experienced ride.

Is there anyone here used to posses such board before and around 2005?

Do you know where it is possible to find feedbacks on such a board of those times?

Thanks for any help.


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The board is a little short, but it may work for you for a short time. As your speed increases and you start carving better, hardboots allow you to put more force into the board. Many softboot boards simply aren't built for that. You probably won't damage the board, but it will simply skid out of the turns. You may as well try it if you have it or can get it easily. If it would cost you any money to get the board, I wouldn't bother.

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If it would cost you any money to get the board, I wouldn't bother.

The cost would equal to transportation fee from one side of the planet to the other. That is the reason I am trying to find a feedback on the board. If the construction is not proper, exclusive "care" of Russian and Czech postal services would influence negatively the oldie and the ride would not last long.

The board IS short indeed. I would rather indicate it as FUN board now... some speed - some progress downhill... Well, I am just curious as Carrera itself never produced any snowboard. May be NITRO that appeared on the market with carrera signature(lately carrara). We will see. :lurk:

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If I had to guess, that's a promotional board made for the co that made carerra goggles/sunglasses. That is the same logo/font/whatever you call it as they use in advertising. So, it's probably just a generic board with a company topsheet. Most of those will hold up fine with softboots but fold pretty quickly under any sort of pressure from hardboots.

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You would be better off riding the carrera board with soft boots if you want to still ride it. If you already have an alpine board that is working for you ride that instead with hardboots. It would be hard to say who built that carrera board? A lot of boards are built by companies for other companies. In the industry that I work in which is band instruments that would be called a stencil horn. In other words 1 company would build a saxophone and engrave the other company's name on it. Of course more than 1 saxophone would have to be ordered for this to be done. This is still being done today for band instruments and other products as well. I don't know where you could find out who made this? Might not be possible as a lot of softboot decks were and are made in large factories in China - again stencil work. You might contact the Carrera company and try to find out what company built that board for them? It is unforunate that history of snowboarding is kind of documented in a spotty way but I guess that is because we are more interested in riding snowboards than keeping track of old ones which is good! I think it would be impossible to document everything that has been made in snowboarding due to the fact that companies have come and gone so much over the years.

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It is a pity that so many boards pass by and go straight to oblivion. It would have been very nice to have a data base for snowboards where people could compare. For instance, if we take skis(:D) ATOMIC 9,28(possessed by my husband) produced around 2000 - there is a review on the internet available for whoever is interested. Well, nowadays, when 80% of Europeans rent skis, they hardly ever think what they ride, well, and never think when they ride. They go over your gear, push it with poles, step over destroying edges shape and etc, only because they think that you are one of them - the renter. I am a snowboarder... But I AM interested in other's gears, even if it is just a ski(I am not a racist). I do not hesitate to ask my husband on their origin and feedbacks - he knows everything about skis. Still, different to boards, it is still possible to find some technical specifications in all those reviews.

I do not expect Carrera board to be something special. Well, based on its width and shape it looks like powder board. And you are right, it might had been produced in China as where else would it come from to eastern part of the Planet called Sakhalin in the period of slow recovery of Russian economy, when the country was partially closed to imports.

In worst case I will have ride and when it destructs, I will explore its structure. :flamethro

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