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Cypress Diaries 2009-10


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Rain rain and rain:(.

Play of the day: WCRM-173W

Arrived early & almost call it off noticing the brown patches on Rainbow, Lower Horizon and the Fog that hanging on PGS. I change my mind when told the groomers says the PGS is in great condition and it had no regret being soaked wet for 2 hours playin by my self on that side:eplus2::biggthump. Snow was Softcompact, good speed and hold. Rain stop & clear up around 10.20AM. Stay for about 1.5 hrs and doing about 15 runs on PGS. When cloud moved back, switch to Lions chair and doing 3 runs before call it off @ noon when visibility back to low.

Weather supposed to be better on Sunday. Blueb & me will be back on the last day of Cypress season.

Bring your rock board:o




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Awesome day, out with Roy and Boris! Warm and sunny, however, the snow was slushy which left us with wet soaking gloves and Boris' boots full of water! I got to ride my newly arrived 177 Prior WCRM and loved it. I had a soft set (Flow NXT FR and Salomon Malamutes) up on Boris' steep water but never ended up using it, had to much fun in hardboots!

I took more photos but Boris' hands were in the way! I will let Roy and Boris comment on the rest!


PS bought a seasons pass cant wait for next season!


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I agree. However, it will not happen for another few years. Kid has to be strong enough to follow us around on skis, first. With mom's work hours, there would be no one to take care of him, if I left for a week.

Hmmm, if you picked your board carefully, it might be able to do dual, or even triple function. How compettitive, that's another story... BXer would certainly be a nice AM board too.

Did more mogulling this weekend, maybe 3 times as much as normal. I just focused on maintaining the same weighting patterns as a slalom course. That is by far the most successful way I've handled them. The GS board feels better and better in moguls!

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So long Cypress!

Another season came to the end. We made it good in the last month, or so.

Thanks to the moutain and my good riding buddies for another year of good fun! I guess we switch to Whistler and Baker now, before hanging the boots for the summer...

Short vid from Sunday, Apr 18:

<object width="640" height="480"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNN9TJErCiA&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNN9TJErCiA&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="480"></embed></object>

Board in the video is Rentigger 173, old but new to me. I had bought it for young Geoff, who refused to take it over due to the lack of space in his luggage to Ontario. So, I had to try it... What a pleasant surprise! Lively yet damp, great edge, agile, turns on a dime, hooky but friendly! Mind you, the morning snow was one of my favorite conditions - non-frozen groom compacted by light rain.

In the afternoon, I switched to (also new to me) Arbor A-Frame 170, to play in the slushy snow and bumps. While it certainly is an object of beauty, I have mixed feelings about the ride... Loved the liveliness and pop of the tail. Carves good with hardboots, yet sensitive to weight distribution. Nose profile curve is a bit to abrupt, so it plows too much on higher edge angle carves. Also, the 25 width makes it a bit too much work in bumps/slush fo my 26 boots at 48/27 angles. It will look gorgeus in my woody collection!

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Grouse update- in a word- fuggedaboutit.

The hill must have laid off all of their grooming staff this week- the only run worth doing is the mogul field off of the Peak, which is fine if you only want to do 12 steep mogul turns before you cruise back to the lift.

I was up on Cypress last Sunday and the snow was MUCH better- I hiked up to the top of Sky chair and was able to ride all the way back to the base lodge parking lot without hitting any dirt or rocks.

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Grouse update- in a word- fuggedaboutit.

The hill must have laid off all of their grooming staff this week- the only run worth doing is the mogul field off of the Peak, which is fine if you only want to do 12 steep mogul turns before you cruise back to the lift.

I was up on Cypress last Sunday and the snow was MUCH better- I hiked up to the top of Sky chair and was able to ride all the way back to the base lodge parking lot without hitting any dirt or rocks.

Thanks bud. Now I know why I need the cross country HB.

Well with the fuggedaboutit condition on GM I can continue this Sunday summer waxing da boards:rolleyes:

Well gentleman let's plan for Whistler :D



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Hm, mogul field rideable, sounds yummy. 12 steep bump turns is about how many I can do with power and grace ;), after that I loose my breath... Maybe, just maybe... If I don't brake my back launching the boat out of dry storage and laying the 400lbs mooring rig, on Saturday.

Whistler, well easy to plan - how next Sunday sounds to everyone?

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No more alpine riding for me. Will be there this Saturday just to pick up my teaching gears. Oh since I will be waiting for my wife - snowshoeing, maybe I'll take the Peak Bumps. Sunday possibly Gardening a bit. Whistler next Sunday, sure. I've been to Whistler only once this season.

Mind you, they are operating the Blue(small) sky ride. No longer Blue, it's white now with OAKLEY logo on it.


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I just tallied up my 09-10 season and have come up with similar stats- 76 days in 08-09, this season I just managed to squeak in 32 days.

If the rain doesn't wash it out, the snowpack above 1000m is still in decent shape- I might be able to get another 4-5 days of backcountry riding in.

I still have 2 boards ready and waxed by the door....


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What a crazy season. Over the weekend at Grouse to pick up my gear from Snow School, the slope is nearly deserted, went 1 run at the Cut, 1 Run at the peak with my freeride rock board, slush everywhere and boulders of rock very visible in spite of poor visibility. Today a view from the skytrain and our office tower, Grouse Mountain is white out again. Sad it's close to public already. Today 3rd of May is the staff appreciation day. Can't make it due to my other job. Hope that staff will have a good time today.


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Ruwi, Scooby, Tenorman, Rod "the softbooter, BlueB and Yoshi with his familly, had one last go. As always, good company, good fun!

Carving was ok for the first 2 hours or so, a bit slushy later. Lots of rocks at the bottom of the Sollar Coaster, so we stuck mostly around Jersy Cream.

Doug was liking my Maverick, I tested his FLC "Supercharger", while Scooby fell in love with SG GS... Rod goes like a thornado on his Banana. He does very shallow carves and jibs of the side banks, but he's almost faster then "us" h/b boys when we carve full Cs. Thanks to heaven that he havn't had brought his Tanker, he would have put us all to shame :D

Later, when it really slushed up, Rod and I decided to go for a quick spin through the park, mostly with the idea of riding the 1/2 pipe (I know, I know, Tanker is not really a pipe board ;) ). However, once there, Rod wanted to jump the tables - I had to follow. First one we jumped, I did conservativelly, just a tad short and the tail just caught the knuckle , but I still cleared it for the clean landing. Then Rod dissapeared over a big one. Ok, I though, lets, go for more distance this time and I aproached with speed and realy pushed forward over the kicker, which had the tendency to launch up. Immediatelly, as I found myself "mile high", I had that "oh-shiiiiiiiiit!" feeling. The jump was built more as a big air type of thing, with very short table top, but very steep and deep landing. I overshot the entire thing by far, for a flat landing. I managed to push the tail down a bit (thanks God for the Tanker's length) to amortise the impact a bit. Ammazingly, besides my cajones stretching all the way to the kness, nothing too bad happened... After that, pipe was just a pleasant cruize...

After our jibbing excursion, we returned to our buddies at Jersy, for few more slush-carving runs. Tanker happilly obeyed, finaly doing what she does the best.

On the way back to Van, we stopped at a famous pub in Squamish for a bit of food/drink/chat, just as the friends should do at the end of a season.

I guess that's it for the season, unless we had increadible urge for the glacier, later in the summer... Conditions are already crappy and the rains this week will rouin it before the official closing next weekend. Have a great summer, everyone!

Next: Longboarding at Coquitlam City Park and annual BBQ!



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