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Mountain Creek updates


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Well it looks like they opened the connecting trail after all. Most slopes are opened with exception to Pipeline, Redtail and the slope that goes down to the triple chair. I went out Thursday and the snow was ok. For all the snow we've gotten lately with all the cold weather I'd have thought it would have been a little better but beggers can't be choosers. I did see two decent soft boot carvers from the chair lift. I wasn't able to catch up with them but it was nice to see. I will be riding a couple of times this week and will post the times. Shawn I'll call you. Hope to see other carvers out there.

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I took my son out for his first time today around 3:30 pm. The place was a zoo. I heard that it was deserted up until about noon. Then the crowds poured in. I would have been there earlier but I had to work today. Anyway my son loved it. He didn't want to go home. I also ended up taking my daughter down the sugar slope for 1 run. The snow was pretty good. I will be riding tomorrow night (Tuesday) sometime after 5 pm. Hope to see other carvers out there.

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Creek was FUN last night. Bear peak was empty, freshly groomed with new snow and fast! Zero G was really nice too.

I broke my Intec pins though, bummer.

Whats up Erik? Let me know when your gonna ride MC...I've been riding with my wife on Sat. Sun. early mornings and Monday most of the day. She will be on hard shells for the first time this monday...she wants to be able to keep up...LOL

I'm game for evenings to...usually out of work by 3pm

SO and JT - how bout we set something up for the 4 of us to meet up there?

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Shawn and I will be riding Saturday starting at Vernon Peak from opening till about 11:00 am or so. I will be riding my timeless 168 so hopefully I can make some bigger turns. It would be great to ride with all four of us. Hopefully I'll see you there. I may take a few runs today (Thursday) after work.

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Shawn and I will be riding Saturday starting at Vernon Peak from opening till about 11:00 am or so. I will be riding my timeless 168 so hopefully I can make some bigger turns. It would be great to ride with all four of us. Hopefully I'll see you there. I may take a few runs today (Thursday) after work.

I will be there for first tracks on saturday morn...riding my 180 Custom metal Coiler w/flames....LOL...if you see someone at MC on hardshells its more than likely either me or Erik. Look forward to riding with you guys saturday morning.


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We are giving midterm exams this week and I can get out of work at 2:30 pm. My school is only 5 minutes from the slopes so I arrived there at about 2:35. Sorry I didn't get to your post until now 5:45 pm. I rode from 2:35 to 4:30. I rode on Bear peak on the racing trail. It was excellent snow for carving. The top of the knoll on the racing trail is just a little to narrow to really put together big carves but if you can put together two slalom turns you have some room to really open it up towards the last 2/3rds of the slope. It was an awsome 2 hours of riding. I didn't really make an effort to contact any one to ride with because I really wasn't sure I would be riding today but I'm happy I found the time. I hope I'll see you and Eric J on Saturday morning. Please post if you can make it.

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Mtn Creek was nice this morning, great grooming job. It was WAAARM. ZeroG was hard and fast. They are putting a lot of snow down on Eagle, should be nice tomorrow.

I did a little jimmyriggin' on mt step in heels and they kind of worked. Enough to crank out a few turns. New heels will be here today - it'll be nice to not wonder if I'm going to release and break my leg.

See you guys tomorrow.

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Good riding with you guys today. Short but sweet. I'll try to be out on Monday with my wife.

Cafe - I checked out Blue Mtn online, looks cool. I'd be up for some carving if you ever want to head over there.

went to MC today...it was ran off and bullet proof. Hopin for a etter one on monday. So far my wife and I are in for monday.

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I had a great time riding on Saturday morning with cafercr35 and family and Eric J. I was kind of surprised to see some of the trails in such condition and others down right horrible. Once again it's sure nice to ride with guys who can really carve their boards. i won't be out again until Tuesday or Wednesday night. In either case I will probably take my daughter out for a while first then ride after. I posted a neat test to see. Look at the "Off Topic" board for the "Awareness test" and follow the link. You'll get a kick out of it.

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Do any of you ever go to Camelback? Is MC a lot better?

I go to camelback maybe 3 times a year...just gets really crowded on weekends. MC has a cheaper season's pass and also the season pass holders ride from 8-9am on Saturdays and Sundays before anyone buying tickets. Your guaranteed your first 3-4 runs are free of crowds and out of controllers.

Blue Mountain is on of my favs

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Since I live in the same town as Mountain Creek I seldom go to any Pa. ski resorts. However, I do go up to Vermont and NY state a few times a year

I went riding today at MC (Tuesday 1/27) on Bear peak on the racing trail. Conditions were really good for carving. I rode from 3:15 to 4:45 and got a good 12 or so runs in. I kept going down the skiers left part of the racing trail and made so many carve lines that it started to create a nice big trench line. It was pretty cool. I must admit that conditions have been pretty good lately. Even with the thaw and freeze. We are suppose to get up to 10 inches of snow tonight. If I don't have work tomorrow I will probably take my daughter out as soon as it stops snowing. The next day I'll be out after that will be Friday late afternoon from 3:00 to about 6:00. Hope to see other carvers there.

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went to creek this morning, got there around 10am, the gondola was closed, they said beause fo lack of people...what do I pay a season's pass for...to ride the triple...that thing is an antique...LOL...first couple of runs was nice 5-6" of powder...then the rain came. Snow became heavy, then bumpy, so we took our frozen wet selves to millside for some luch...finished up about 11:30. I wouldn't say it was great...but it sure was good,

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Going to be going to mountain creek sunday morning with the new metal board for a first trial. Haven't been to creek in about two years, Any suggestions on what run or mountain to go to. When i used to go i liked south, but i heard its all a terrain park now. anyone going to be around?

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Going to be going to mountain creek sunday morning with the new metal board for a first trial. Haven't been to creek in about two years, Any suggestions on what run or mountain to go to. When i used to go i liked south, but i heard its all a terrain park now. anyone going to be around?

My wife and I will be at the gondola at 8am on sunday(tomorrow). I'm on my metal coiler (with flames). Usually ride north until the crowds come then bounce over to granite. Meet us at the gondola and ride with us.

Erik! Mark! any u guys gonna be around?

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