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Anyone seen this??? "The Whip"


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Hi everyone,

just want to thank you all for the questions and inputs. Now that we are in, we will try our best to reply to your questions directly. While we may not be on all the time, we will check in every so often. Of course, you are welcome to email us directly at cheetahultrasports@gmail.com

Being a very small start up with limited marketing budget, we welcome and appreciate all the input, questions and comments.

Our aim is to be the Lamborghini and Apple of the snowboard world. Yet we totally understand that this is got to be the worst time to start a business. Frankly, we did not plan to go into business. This all happened out of the love for snowboarding. Perhaps with the help of fellow snowboarders, we will eventually become one of the big boys of snowboard world.

The F-117 is just the start; we got many more revolutionary ideas on the drawing board. With your support, CHANGE (for the better, faster,) may finally be coming.

Thanks again.


Cheetah Ultra Sports

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I have a suggestion. I am a photographer that is a member of a bunch of photo forums. One of the forums has a situation that is kind of unique. There is a special lens that not a lot of people own that is circulating between members for them to try for free. There is a list of names that the mods on the board administrate. When it gets to your name, the last person with the lens ships it to you. Then you have it for a week or 2 and then ship it to the next person. It gets a lot of people the opportunity to try this lens that wouldn't otherwise get to. And then a percentage of those people will end up buying one because they liked it.

Wabbit said he has one of these boards "on his wall". I was wondering if this might be a good cheap marketing drive to have one of these unique boards circulate around a close knit community like ours to "get the word out". Since there is only one model at this point, it would be relatively easy to do. Wabbit would just have to release one board to BOL and then we work off a list of members to try it. I think that the $1899 price point is high unless you actually get the chance to ride it. Then the phenomenon of Tinkler, Virus and others takes hold if you like it and you place your order.

Wabbit is right about starting a company in this economic climate. This is one of those thinking outside the box scenarios that might get the company some much needed exposure.

I would say that I would like to be first in line if they go for it, but the board is too short and I am too heavy for this model. :( Maybe the next model.


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Hi eaglez,

Thank you for your suggestion. It sounds like a very good idea. We happen to have a marketing meeting coming up next week. I will definitely bring this idea up.

The main idea that we are working on is a demo tour. Our problem is that due to the high cost of production, we only have few boards available for demo. Nevertheless, we are planning on it. Our first stop will likely be somewhere near Vancouver, since that is near where we build our board and where we did all of our testing. Of course, we will let everyone know if and when a date is set. If you or anyone else have any suggestions on where else we should demo it, please feel free to let us know. Our budget may be limited, but ideas will never be.

By the way, the board on my wall is the pre production mock up. Though it looks like the real thing, it is not good enough to take on the hills (kind of like concept cars for auto shows ). It looks so good there, I almost wanted to suggest people to by it as a work of art. Speking of thinking out of the box.... ; )

I would like to say that we truely appreciate everyone's input. Hopefully we will be able to reward everyone by eventually building a line of boards that will cover everyone (in price and size ) in the future.

Thanks again.

Cheetah Ultra Sports.

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