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Dane, always the ambassador, set up a lifty for his 1st runs on hardboots while keeping a broken nose from bleeding, giving his all for the sport.:1luvu:

Dane..... I know you are lurking around!!!! When are we gonna see you post on here????

Wow.... I hope you are ok, get that nose fixed right! I watched my husband go through a broken nose a couple of years back and it never did get fixed right. I fool myself into thinking that's why he snores sooooooooo bad, but I think he did that even before the broken nose. (well, I take that back, he broke his nose several times before I ever even met him)

As much fun as it is to come down in a pack, there is something to be said for spacing out. I'm all for it!:ices_ange

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Great day.Great Dane! Hard to believe you were out there,Dane.Toughest rider I know.

"Great Dane".... I like that. "Toughest rider I know." Steve, I'd put a second on that one and I wasn't even there to see him today..... and the coolest thing about Dane.... he's so modest... and always looking to improve and try new things.... as Troy keeps saying, what a great ambassador for the sport!

So Dane, since I know you are lurking around here..... (I keep saying that!) I'm glad that I was with you that day on Upper Kanitsu (however ya spell it!).... we both made it down alive and you with a lot more grace than me! So by next year when I make it up there again, I'm sure you'll be rippin that steep stuff!

So, I just ordered a new pair of skis on the credit card. I will get on my board next year, but I'll be on my skis a lot more. I haven't been on the board since Schweitzer (oh, except one little lesson on the beginner hill!), and I've got two more days at Lookout and may not get on the board anymore this season. Well, hmmmm.... MAYBE on Saturday. Only if the snow is firm though. If it's mushy, I won't do it. And I'll be minus child that day so maybe I should get on the Hot again! hmmmmmm

Ok, it's past my bedtime even though I've had a bit of caffine. Going to pick up a Sesame Street cake for my 2 year old's birthday party tomorrow!

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Is the road going up clear? The weather report says a 70 percent chance of snow tomorrow and I took off my snow tires last time I was in Boise because I wouldn'tve been able to do it until summer. Can a car (with no snow tires) make it up ok? I've heard the road up there isn't very friendly :freak3:

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Hi Stopher, Didn't see another hardbooter Fri., post up here next time you come up & take a few runs w/the crew. there's usually a 'booter hangin around the clock tower at opening bell.

Gustavo, It's been dumping over night, so you may need a powder board today. I've got one you can use if you want to slap your bindings on it, call me this morning any time, we can give you a ride up the hill from the bus barn if you like. six one oh two one six nine

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A skier chased me down yesterday & asked for a little help with learning to alpine. Chris had seen us trenching and bought an old rossi, excited to try it out. So I went with him to swap gear for a couple runs and gave him some pointers and stance tweeks. Being a skier, he started with poles to get him comfortable on the board.

Another convert:biggthump

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Hi Boardski, I heard you were there on Fri, sorry I missed you. Kids and I spent most of the day on backside. I have 5 kids so tryin to hit 9am is tough(impossible), Ill try harder next year. Iam trying to get up there Fri for last shot, hope to run into you, whoops I should rephrase that.:biggthump.

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running into me can be dangerous;)

yea, taking 5 kids to the ski hill with all the pieces & parts is quite the logistical dance.

Give me a call fri. morn early, we can probably scounge up another $10 coupon if you need it.

Gus, Mark is doing a certification test this week, I'm sure he'll get hold of you soon.

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Troy, Dane, et al... this is Chris and this is my second post on bomber... thanks for the impromptu lessons... hope to crack another bottle of vino with you soon... as for "Balebombsman"... I looked up the two versions of the spelling and settled on "Bale" instead of "Bail" since the English/British spelling using "Bale" is specific to falling out of a burning airplane... much as I did on the baby bear hill.... hence "Bale-bombs-man" and not "Bail-bombs-man". You are gentlemen and can't wait to graduate to the top of the mountain... Cheers!

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Thanks for the kudos Chris, Your turns came together pretty good for a couple days practice. I can teach any skier to ski on a snow board If they want to learn.

Some actual snowboard boots and maybe a couple stance tweeks and you'll be trenchin the blues with the rest of us.

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