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Bad Knees

Guest big Tone

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Guest big Tone

From years of rugby, surfing, boarding and anything else I could do to abuse my knees, they have decided to behave with less than required efficiency. (left knee A.C.L. damage)

Was wondering if anyone knew of exercises (snowboard specific)

to help me do a few more seasons. Reconstruction not really a favoured topic.

If anyone has similar problems and has found a good regime and maybe a brace, would love to hear.


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Big Tone-

I know it's not your favoured option but...

had mine done 3 years ago, with a Patellar tendon graft. It is rock solid, and arguably stronger now than my "good" knee. while it did cost me one season (5 months of rehab), it has been well worth it. Rehab is even quicker with a donor graft.

my $.02...


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Big Tone:

I have to agree with Noah - I had an ACL receonstruction almost 15 years ago and the repaired knee works better than the original.

My surgeon was pretty agressive with rehab (he was the Canadian Ski Team Ortho) and I was out cycling 5 weeks post surgury and was able to board the next winter with a sports brace.

Understanding it is not you first choice, but getting it repaired properly with give you the security that it is not going to fail mid season.

Hope it helps


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Guest big Tone

Thanks for the encouraging words

Im going to go to NZ in late July, for a week to see how I get on. Ive just got back from two weeks surfing in Fiji, my physio (whose a surfer) gave me lots of advice on maintainance while surfing. And was hoping someone out there had nursed a knee through

a a short but intense boarding adventure.

Surgery would not only keep me out of the water and off the slopes but would render me useless in my own business.... My employees already think Im useless, so whats the hold up you ask? Like an old beloved car, with a little TLC and a bit of Tape Im hoping my knee has a few more miles left.



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