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Shoulder Surgery


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I tore the labrum in my right shoulder in Jan 99. It was torn on the bottom half of the socket, from about 4 o'clock to about 7 o'clock. It was tacked back together with two (or three, cant remember) consumable tacks. I was (unwisely) snowboarding again about 6 weeks later.

In hindsight, I probably should have completed the entire 12 week rehab program before getting back on the hill. However, I was young and dumb. The silver lining was that this injury was what got me into alpine. I figured that I couldn't hurt myself if I stayed out of the park... Poor logic, by the way. You can do plenty of damage on an alpine stick.

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You might get some information from the persons who posted in these threads:



I myself have lots of shoulder problems, but have been lucky the last 9 months (knock on wood), no dislocation at all, a first since 1995!


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Thanks Derf! I've been looking at those shoulder protectors for awhile. I will definitely need to get a pair before next season. I just injured my opposite shoulder 2 weeks before my surgery while at Mt. Hood Meadows. Really bummed me out 'cause it happened on Saturday so I couldn't ride Timberline on Sunday. Oh well maybe I'll be able to ride again by the end of summer.


Glass Bong

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Guest Matt D

I just got my date for surgery #2 on 05/17. My surgeon has never really given me the details on where exactly my labrum is torn except that its an anterior tear.

When I had this done before it took 2 weeks before I wanted to leave the house. Another 2 before I could walk around without a sling on in the house. 2 more weeks before I could go out without a sling and start physio. Then 6 more weeks before I could go to the gym. Its a long process.

My advice would be to take your time getting better. Pushing your self in those first 4-6 weeks can have adverse affects on the quality of the healing process. DO NOT BE A KNUCKLEHEAD!!! I say all this because I learned the hard way and would prefer to spare you of a hard lession learned. Treat your should good now, and it'll treat you good later.

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I just had my 1st post op appointment yesterday. Stitches are out and appearently there was little damage. Nine days after the surgery and the doc already released me to light duty and PT. The tear was minor and in fact was "sweater shaved" away. He said the majority of pain was caused by a bone spur that was poking my rotator cuff. Bone spur removed and I'm feeling much better. Supposedly I should be back to full duty in 6-8 weeks


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