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Vist plates


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I have still not decided to invest in Vist plate system or not. I`ve heard positive things from competitors, but I do not compete;)

I would use it on SG GS board, titanium construction, 175cm lenght, radius 15,3 m - bindings F2 Intec titanium.

So, anyone here with freecarving experiences on this plates? Please, share it with me here.



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my friend got to ride one of the 185 09 SG Full Race boards at the end of last year with the vist plates. he had been riding hangles all year and said the new board and plates somehow made it so all your energy went forward into the turn. Coach was watching him as he was coming down and said it was one of his best runs of the year. when he got to the bottom, he said he felt like he'd smoked crack or something with a huge grin on his face. might be the new SGs, might be the new plates, might be both, but apparently they're goood

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But is main point on Vist also to distribute force to close to edge.

Also Vist is floating construction, ie bindings are separated from board, same way as on some (not all) Tinkler plate combinations.

I dont have yet any experience of Vist but when snow comes, then i see how it behaves with Intecs and Titanal :cool:

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Of course the plates are meant to dampen the board, so as you said, I could use standard bails. But I want to have board under control as much as possible that is why I will use Intec.

You can read this on Vist web page:

  • Easiness in skiing and curving
  • Better distribution of forces on the snowboard
  • Better vibrations absorption
  • Better snowboard lead

All they are saying sounds great and is well known to me from plates for carving skis.

There are not a lot of people who experienced the plates on snowboard...looks like I will take a risk :)

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I think you miss my point.

Intec is the stiffest/most responsive boot/binding interface.

Vist and other plate systems are designed to isolate the chatter/vibration of the board and to distribute the pressure to the edge.

isolating chatter is a softening of the board/binding interface, so why soften that and stay with such a stiff boot/binding interface?

I was merely suggesting that you try switching to bails (about a $75 changeover) before going whole hog and sending $300+ on a plate...especially if you are not a racer.

I like gadgets as much as the next guy, but intec + plate makes about as much sense as putting Z-rated tires on a Yugo.

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Nope, for me Inted is more comfortable issue tha anything. Pending over and over to bail is pia. I'm too stiff for that, tried TD2 bails few season ago when bails came again "hot but switched quite fast back to Intecs.

I must say that i dont see much else than this flotation in Vist which would give absorbtion or softness, but believe that with Indy it will be nice combo. I think i will give my S-Flex plates to my wife, had problem with them shortening stance too much, dont have that problem with Vist.

EDIT: One more thing about Vist, one can screw fron and rear parts esily to Vist top plate, pretty much same way as seen racers do. Another thing is what would be benefit of that, i would assume more direct force to edges of board, but less absorbtion.

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I have read all written in the previous posts, however I see one reason for the hangle or vist plate. I have a Kessler with a hangle. I believe the main function of the hangle is to distribute pressure on the metal board. I am quite confident I would dent that board or break it without the hangle. I had the chance to ride the 185 SG last season, and wouldn't ride it without a plate of some kind. Basically because I did not want to potentionally damage a $1500 board.

When you take the hangle off the board and check it out you see that the foam under the metal is made to create an even distribution of power. The other function is to create a board that feels torsionally stiff. I sold a couple of my boards after riding the Kessler with hangles because my other boards that I thought were great became less than desireable torsionally.

I ride with Indys and td2 intec and believe it is a great combination. These are just my ideas on the system. I am not trying to open a can of worms with this post, but I believe it is hard to comment accurately until you have ridden with a plate system.

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