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Question for the Washington group...

Guest thomas_m

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Guest thomas_m

Hey, I'm looking at getting a couple passes next year and wanted to get a little input. I'll definitely get a weekday pass to the Summit since I can buzz over there a couple days a week after work to carve under the lights.

I also wanted to get a pass for either Crystal or Stevens for the weekends but I'm unsure which would be better. Stevens is about $400! cheaper and has lighted runs which might be cool for some Friday night excursions. The thing is that I've never been to Stevens so I don't know if I'll like the terrain as much as Crystal Mtn.

I went to Crystal about 10 days(will at least double this number next season) this season and liked it altough people keep telling me it's a 'skiers mountain'. I haven't boarded long or widely enough to know what that means. I really like the great variety of terrain packed into one area at Crystal from groomers to trees to backcountryish stuff with easy access. Those hi speed 6-pack lifts are nice too. What I don't like is the $840 pass vs $459 for Stevens...

So, do you think the extra $400 is worth it?



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Guest Pepe Le Pew

Personally I prefer Stevens.

I have never been lucky at CM (white out, half closed, poor grooming, ...). My best day there was actually the closing day this season (you were there too).

Stevens has lots of carvable terrain on the front side.

The back side only has one carvable run.

It's smaller overall than CM and parking can be tight if you don't get there early. You'll need a short sidecut board.

That's my typical week-end destination...


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I'm typically there every other Sunday, unless of course someone talks me into a group of carvers going elsewhere. Plenty of fun to be had there! Backside is fun on the right kind of day also. I may hit the Summit a few times also as the intermediates are wide and consistent pitched. Jon

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Guest thomas_m

Thanks guys. I think my miniscule spring bonus will be spent on a pass to Stevens.

Pepe, my 4WD has a 9.5m sidecut and the mew Madd won't be that much bigger so I should be set.


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