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Silver Mountain still carving!

Steve Prokopiw

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Yesterday was a great day at Silver Mountain.Conditions were surprisingly firm and nice the first three hours as the lifts are open at 8:00.As always, tough to get good photos with my antique camera,but here's a couple including me with a group of superheros. Silver will be open next Saturday and adn on the 24th and 25th to coincide with the opening of their new waterpark with a waverider surf pool.Come and get your fix.Spokane airport is inly an hour away.Btw that is actually a slighty eggshaped carved circle about 8 feet in diameter.Entered toeside regular from lower right of pic and exit from lower left.No football field sized spaces or 40mph speeds(about 18 to 20 if that) needed even with a 182;bend it baby!




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The crime of skidded turns:smashfrea

I'm gonna be there next Sat. I'll have to bribe Becki somehow to spend the gas money (she has to work) , but the Wx looks good so I gotta go for it as it may be the last chance. I may need to borrow the proton in the morning, I'll bring a slush board for the afternoon:1luvu: I luv slush bumps:1luvu:

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Hey Steve, I'm gonna make it down there Sat. come hell or high water, well high water'll be a given at 80*.

So does the gondola start loading at 7:30? that means leaving here at 5:30 or so. I'll give you a ring tonite, looking for a bro-ticket.

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Hey Steve, I'm gonna make it down there Sat. come hell or high water, well high water'll be a given at 80*.

So does the gondola start loading at 7:30? that means leaving here at 5:30 or so. I'll give you a ring tonite, looking for a bro-ticket.

P.S. what ya got for me to demo???:biggthump

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It will be warm and most likely sticky but if you get on the gondi at 7:30 and on snow at 8;00 it should be good for about 3 hours.You could try a 185 proton ,a 168 proton or a vintage 167 Sims Carve2 (fun and good in crud),as far as what I've got to borrow.The coiler's all mine:)

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Russ left a message and # on my cell phone which died when I got it soaking wet at my new job at a muddy,rainy,dirty,filthy gold mine up near the thriving metropolis of Murray.Anyway can you get ahold of him and let him know that you and he and Sean will be on the buddy list for tics at Silver.Sean ,if you read this ,get your arse up here one last time and we will posse up and drink up too.

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Russ is a definite maybe, I'll talk to him again tonite. Hoping to carpool in his suburban as he burns vegi oil at 70 cents a gallon. I'm gonna call silver surfin Sean and lite a fire under him, maybe the posse will ride together one more time:biggthump

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In the parent co's typical ,barely keep the mountain bandaided fashion ,the gondola gear box failed and Silver is closed today.To anyone who spent gas $ to get there since it was not on the web until last night,and of course it didn't dawn on me that I would need to check since there was to be great weather and no wind, I apologize for hyping the awesome spring conditions.When and if they ever spend more than just bandaid money on the failing mountain infrastructure and not every penny on real estate and a waterpark, maybe this awesome mountain will be more dependable.What a buzzkill!

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Well I guess it worked out that it didn't work out:freak3:

Sean had to work & Russ is snomobiling close to home so this mornings disappointment is negated by corporate neglect:rolleyes:

I hope the heatwave leaves us some snow for next weekend:cool:

I'll have to bust out the canoe today & clean off the winters grime.

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Becki heard it on spokane 11:00 news so that saved us about $50 bucks, cause I would've left before Steve's post. Must be 80-90$ from bigphish.

Mostly yard work for me this wknd but no work today so I made another run on schwietzer side country this moning.

The snow pack has consolidated pretty good on no. sides; falling apart on so. sides. Sticky, dirty suncup fun :biggthump

Same run I did last week pictured here


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and Silver was open today and will be tommorrow.Today was surprisingly good and carvable out at chair four(Gold was super carvy!). Even hiked WardnerPeak which I'll do an hour earlier tommorrow.Limited terrain but well worth going up for.Open next Sunday just to say they were open into June but will only have chair two open so I am going to start my bike racing season in ernest and do a stage race in Enumclaw, Wash.

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