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Lovey the 20th

Blue Bird

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Stan, I've got enough miles for a ticket. Time off would be a bitch though. How much longer will it be good riding and would weekend riding work? You've got me thinking.
With the base we still have, I would say conditions will be very good for a few more weeks. Sunday wasn't too bad for crowds... only a little stuffy mid day. You know the drill... I pick you up at DIA, we visit Bola's shop on the way home, the spare room is ready, Loveland and Abasin are still open and I have discounted tix for both, and we'll visit Fin's shop while we are in Summit County. PM me your flight info :biggthump
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Oh, and don't worry about yard work here Scott... I don't have a yard (house sits in a forest) and there's still a few feet of snow on the ground.

Get your arse over here!

What out Scott!!! I think Stan might have "plans" for you. Just look at the way he was dressed at the Mini Session!


I'm sure his place is nice and "isolated" in a forest. He probably sits on the porch playing the theme from Deliverance in his dirty, worn overalls on warm Summer nights.

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Damn, turns out the deal breaker is work. Not only can I not get a day off, It looks like I will need to work the next few weekends. (Our schedule is in crisis mode, plus my key Forman's dad just went into the hospital and is not expected to come back out. I've got nobody to hand the torch to.) The overtime is very lucrative, but it will be a while till I have a personal life again.

Rip it up for me brothers!

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