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Land square and if you doubt you can, make sure you have a wide runout.

The danger is not really in having your bail release, but more from landing a bit toe or heel, having the edge set uncontrollably and sending you into the trees, or a bunch of people sitting around in the park.

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with jumping on my snowpro race ltd. bindings (toe bail setup; bought 'em from bola's shop, GO THERE ALREADY!!!! best stuff ever), although i ride with the things mega tight i still havent even managed to crack, noticably loosen or release from them even hitting a 35ft tabletop at copper when freeriding (i'm still 14!! i'm young :D) and overshot the thing, did more damage to the camber of my board than anything; but still no releasing. GO SNOWPRO!!!

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I don't really understand the problem here.

If you're outside the recommended weight range for the gear then obviously you're going to have problems. I think the OP wasn't about that though, just about jumping on hard gear....

Of course you can jump off anything you like in hard gear. If you land hard enough to break your gear, then you're probably close enough to breaking something else and maybe you need to adjust a few flight parameters.

In powder, the main thing IMHO is that it's bloody hard to land a jump on a stiff race board; hard bindings on powder boards work well though. I never broke anything, and the thought never even crossed my mind. If anything hard gear's an advantage as if you land flat in a ton of powder you can get your board off so much easier than the other guys.

I don't think risk of breaking gear is a serious issue. Of course stuff breaks, but it's very rare with hard gear. I ride Burton and other boards.

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