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Humbling skiers, perfect day at Jiminy

Bobby Buggs

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Me and Rob Wallace got to meet Dave and Dingbat at Jimpeak yesterday for some turns. One of the best days of the year for sure. Bluebird day perfect groomed packed powder Fast 6 pack chair and little to no wait. Rob was totally on Fire and I found a nice groove my self.

Jimpeak is a fairly steep place for a small southern NE resort so it attracts allot of ski racers to train there.

Those are the ones who really appreciate what we do when we are laying down turns on the steeps.

A few times yesterday they came up to me and asked about our set ups and commented or how great it looked from the chair:ices_ange. By looking at the skis you could tell they were racers or were trying to look like them. So I said come with us and see if you can follow our lines:eplus2:

I got half way down the steep part and one of the kids came over and was totally covered in snow. He said Dude!! I tried a s hard as I could to follow your line and I just couldn’t, I totally took a digger. I didn’t was to disrespect him but I laughed inside.

It was a Total Blast yesterday; I don’t think it could have been better.

Great way to close out a season.... Did I say that:confused:

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So I said come with us and see if you can follow our lines:eplus2: I got half way down the steep part and one of the kids came over and was totally covered in snow. He said Dude!! I tried a s hard as I could to follow your line and I just couldn’t, I totally took a digger.

Nice Bobby! That's a great story. I wish I had made it. It had been my intent to go, but Cail was my ride, and my work was saying they might need me on Sunday so I couldn't make the trip up to Albany for the weekend. I was going to hit Hunter on Sunday but I was just too damn lazy.

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I got down past the first steep section on whirlaway and Rob was standing in the middle of that flat. I went to the left side and dropped below him and came across to the right on a toe side. Just as I passed Rob on my toe I looked up hill and there was a skier right on me, BAMMM. Lucky I was low in my turn so I just got down as low as I could and the guy went right over me and landed on top of me. I was fine but he said his leg hurt. I stuck around and put ice on his leg until the Patrol came. I Made sure there was nothing wrong with him, he was able to move his toes and ankel and was not in any serious pain.

I went down to the Patrol area and filed a report. Sad part is, because I was on a board of course I was the guy at fault:rolleyes: Even though I was down hill of the guy. I mean they were behind us the whole way, They saw all of us going from 1 side to the other. Its not like I made this sudden change in direction.

They made the guy go to Berkshire med so we will see if I get a letter from a Lawyer or if I get banned from Jiminy.

Even with that I still had a perfect day... well until I realised the guy crashing into me broke the t nut that held the right side heel piece on my rear foot. No biggie, an easy change.

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Sucks about the collision. Hopefully the skier will realize the error in his ways and come to the conclusion that it's just an unfortunate accident. I mean, skiing and boarding can be dangerous; it's just unfortunate when it happens.

But as for the skiers, a friends son is on the ski team (he's 15 or 16) and we always try to follow lines. He can usually stay pretty close to mine on his sl race tigers, but I'm not the best carver yet. I can already tell though that he's getting better trying to follow me and I'm getting better trying to lose him. It's a win win situation. And a great time to boot.

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Sad part is, because I was on a board of course I was the guy at fault:rolleyes: Even though I was down hill of the guy. I mean they were behind us the whole way, They saw all of us going from 1 side to the other. Its not like I made this sudden change in direction.

That sucks man. I don't understand how patrollers can compromise their values their way ... its like "downhill person has the right of way, unless downhill person is a snowboarder, in which case, its the snowboarders fault for being a snowboarder". Did you probe the ski patrol as to why in this special instance the uphill person was not responsible for avoiding the downhill person?

It seems to me that this sort of double-standard tends to prevail mostly on smaller mountains.

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What kills me about the whole things is that "the speeds at which we travel"........ BS. IT takes us longer to get down the hill than any skier or boarder just flat bombing it straightlining, but "we" are the agressive riders.


I'm letting the dust settle and I'll test the waters sunday for my last day @ Jiminy for the season as an instructor. Debating bringing the hardboots and gear, but I think I'll just stay under the radar and carve hard in the soft gear and slush and see "Whats up" with the funk and skunk about all it and hopefully (perhaps tomorrow) I can get an update as to the guys knee status.

As far as I am concerned, it was his fault. Bobby made even turns across the whole hill in series and didn't deviate from how he was turning, so the guy was just in the wrong place and not able to turn away or stop.

Whats worse; is I was sitting at the mid point of the trail and watched the guy and his friends I rode up on the lift with (skiers) decend and get right into the turning lanes that Rob was laying down moments before and I decided to wait till it was cleared.

**** happens.

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Now that I think about it more it was the Skiers error in judgement. As stated we were going from edge to egde the whole way down. Its not like no one could see us. That guy just mis judged how fast I was going and felt he would just cut through our lines but must have lost sight of me for a second when I went behind Rob. Yeah Dave see what you can find out about his led and send me an email.

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