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any MDs, PTs, Ergonomists, or Kinisiologists on here?


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Knee pain, knee pain, knee pain...from years of weightlifting, sports, and riding.

So does anyone have any info relating stance angle to knee damage OR wear and tear? I typically ride high angles (anywhere from mid 60s to 90/90 for my skwals). Has there been any discussion regarding the different areas of the knee impacted by specific angles? With my skwals, I've developed a pain on the inside of my knee on the front leg. I don't think about it too much while riding, but at the end of the day, and the day after, it can be debilitating.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

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You need to talk with Sean Maccarron at Copper mtn. He is the alpine coach there and the inventor of a machine that finds your perfect stance based on your unique physiology. Contact Copper mtn and just ask for the race dept. or give me a call and I can give you his number.

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... but I can give my own example of problem and solution. I rode with knee pain for about three seasons, many sessions with MDs and DCs but no long term help. Over summer '07 found a massage therapist who told me the knee pain was coming from an assortment of problems including a spasming psoas, rotated and tilted pelvis, generally messed up body mechanics - wrong muscles doing wrong jobs.

It's a small wonder that I was able to leave a trench before this year!

In any case most of the root causes are still present although in lesser degrees, and I've had no knee pain to speak of this year despite riding 5x a week for the last 3 months. (This is about to end - I go back to work Monday :( )

My knee pain originally started with squats and leg presses years ago.

My only point is, be open to the idea that the knees are where the symptom is but not the root cause. It might be worth finding one of the partitioner types you mentioned above to work with you in person and find a likley root cause before you worry about your stancel.

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+1 any angle changes would be specific to you and not the same for anyone else. I'd start by taking sean's advice. other options include gettting molded or remolded for a good orthotic, getting evaluated for iliotibial band syndrome and starting a stretching program, etc etc.


for what its worth I had to negative cant my skwals to accomadate for the angle of my hips coming into the board.

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