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Bmes 2008???


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Now that the season is drawing to a close in a month or so, looking to see if anyone wants to get together for the Annual Attempt at Blue Mountain Expression Session. JBS and I try to get some folks together each year to ride on a Friday. We have had variable turnouts each year and hoping to bolster higher turnouts.

We dont do anything special, we just show up and ride. Maybe JBS and I could put on a little clinic, he is the technique geek, so that would be up to him.

Looks like 21st and 28th may be the only days, unless this Friday which is very short notice.

Let me know.

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BMES 2008

We need to do this quickly.... just heard that Blue is closing on 03-22-08. (unless the weather changes and draws people back out) My vote is for Sunday this weekend, since I will not be able to ride the weekend after and have little vacation time to spare. Any takers?


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Which Coiler metal did you get. I got to demo a few at ECESand fell in love with metal period. I tried a RC180 which was out of this world and I am in process with Bruce for a custom build. did you get to ride it yet? If not you will hoefully be tickled pink, JBS and I couldnt shut up about them.

I bought material for your plates, just have not had a chance to get to them and I am currently having a joint inflamation episode, which limits my tool working abilities but I will get to them ASAP.

I am open most any day, except next week.


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Which Coiler metal did you get. I got to demo a few at ECESand fell in love with metal period. I tried a RC180 which was out of this world and I am in process with Bruce for a custom build. did you get to ride it yet? If not you will hoefully be tickled pink, JBS and I couldnt shut up about them.

Mine is a Custom metal template - 180 metal racecarve measurements

180 length x 18.8 waist x 11.5m sidecut x 159 contact. It also have a rounded tail for smoother transitions.....the only metal board I ever rode was my Volant....and I know the coiler is an enitirely diffferent level.

Bruce is awesome....he is a man of his word and absolutely knows his ****.

I bought material for your plates, just have not had a chance to get to them and I am currently having a joint inflamation episode, which limits my tool working abilities but I will get to them ASAP.

I am open most any day, except next week.


No rush on the plates - I have a set of cateks to hold me over....but I like your idea of the solid insert....not really favored towards the rubber cateks has in the center.

I saw some pics of ya in ECES - way to rip - hopefully I can get out there next year.

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I can let you borrow my other plates if I dont get them done. Bruce hinted towards not using Cateks on his decks, but the plates would help. Just need to make sure screw length is proper.

Board sounds great. you will be blown away by its buttery smoothnees compared to anything else especially the volant.

I am thinking the following specs

RC 180

20cm waist

15-16-15 SCR

1cm taper

3mm decambered rounded tail (from the schtubby)

Even flex throughout

I dont known what the effective edge would be.

But also looking for a board that has manueverability and can sink its teeth into the hard stuff and it seems the metal softer flex will accomodate that.

Pics of ECES didnt turn out as well as I wanted, I was busy trying to tame the POGO on most of that stuff, while I watched metal coilers cruise smoothly in control, effortless, bring some tissues becuase you may cry at how well it will ride. I hope uyou get some good stiff snow to try its ability.

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I'll be out Sat and Sun both, this is my last weekend to ride at Blue because their closing date is next Saturday. Sunday looks like it might be the better of the two weather wise.

Cafercr35, would you like a glass version of 180RCII to go with your metal? I have the inside line on one coming up for sale soon. :D Oh the things metal will make you do.


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I'll be out Sat and Sun both, this is my last weekend to ride at Blue because their closing date is next Saturday. Sunday looks like it might be the better of the two weather wise.

Cafercr35, would you like a glass version of 180RCII to go with your metal? I have the inside line on one coming up for sale soon. :D Oh the things metal will make you do.


i think we are pushing towards sunday -

I can wait to get where you guys are!!!! seems to me metal is going to change my life:ices_ange

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FYI.... Saturday is retro day at blue. Charging 1977 lift ticket prices :) $10!

Sunday is Blue's annual pond skimming, starts at 10am. Anyone willing to give it a whirl (or splash)?

Also Blue is handing out spring fling coupons with purchase of a lift ticket. The coupon is half off of normal ticket price. I'll try to pick some up tomorrow for anyone who might want on Sunday. You could also just wait by the ticket window in the morning and ask people for their coupon as they walk by. Worst case is if there is more than one in your group, have one person buy a ticket and then use their coupon.

Looking forward to a nice spring session.

And yes.... metal will change your life :D

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Shooting for 7:30 am base lodge, usually head right to the lift and park opposite side of road from Handicap. Whatever time you get there, just keep an eye for us on challenge or Razor. I think ski team is done for the year so beat the crowds and get em in before it gets crowded and slushed out.

I will be in a black dodge Magnum, Jesse is in a green Subaru sedan.

Hope to see you there.

I will bring my Riot Velocity for anyone who wants to try it, it;s a beast but if you are heavier it should be tolerable.

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I really enjoyed today and wanted to thank you guys for helping me out. Good fun.

David - glad to hear you got to ride with the Blue mt boys....those guys kickass.....I will be there tomorrow morning....u gonna make it.

Greg and Jesse - u guys gonna be there tomorrow? what time does it open?

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got up this morning and looked aout the window - ran rain rain...check forecast - looks like 80% chance of rain until 1. I am crawling back in bed and moving my Blue mt trip to monday(forecast looks bright and sunny:D)

2 hours to ride in the rain? - I'll go tomorrow

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