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Hey, surfers!

John Bell

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I recall seeing surfers in a few avatars here. I'm going to try surfing again next month in Hawaii, but I need to buy a wetsuit. (I know--nerdy, right? Hey, I make chalk look tan. Plus, when I tried it for the first time in January, the nipple friction was a b*tch!)

Could any experienced surfers recommend what I should look for in a wetsuit--e.g., brands, thickness, etc.? I don't wanna spend more than $100.

Thanks for any info!

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maybe just get a thick rashguard.

If ya got the Irish skin syndrome, invest in some good sunblock that won't come off in the water.

Are you heading to Oahu ? Xcel has a shop on the north shore in Haleiwa and you can score some good deals on closeouts usually. Otherwise, if you're in Waikiki find Blue Planet


lemme know if ya need advice on surfing oahu, I lived there for awhile

~spread the Aloha !


813 Kapahulu Avenue

Honolulu, Hi 96816

Tel (808) 922 5444


From Waikiki:

Go to the east end on Waikiki until you reach Kapiolani Park. Turn left by the Zoo onto Kapahulu Avenue. Go up Kapahulu for several blocks, we are located on the right side. Look for Go Bananas Kayak store and pull into the Blue Planet / Running Room parking lot next door.

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Appreciate the info! :biggthumpI'll check out that shop when the wife and I go there.

Irish skin syndrome--that's me to a T, man. Yeah, I thought about just a rash guard, but I don't trust sunblock (even Bullfrog). There's a theory that the UVB still gets through and damages the basal layers of the skin. Plus I could use the extra rash protection on my forearms.

We're indeed going to Oahu--Waikiki. Definitely, if you have any good tips, I'm all ears. I took a lesson in January and got up on the board about 3 times. It rocked; can't wait to try it again.

OK, thanks again!

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I went on a surf trip a while back in the Spring. It was early April so I didn't have a tan. Put on the long sleeve rash gaurd and 50spf on my face, good right? I didn't think about the back of my hands. When I got back I had gloves!!!! Sun poisoning made them swell up so it looked like Mickey hands!:lol:

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Trunks, long sleeve rashguard, tons of bullfrog (or other waterproof SPF45 sunblock) depending on where you surf you can probably wear a hat (I used to have one clipped to my rashguard) which is a really good idea. Have fun

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I bet they called you "Mitt" Romney after that. Or maybe "Edward Blisterhands." (1991, anyone?)
good one !

maybe we should dig up todd brown's lime juice hands pics:rolleyes:gross !

could you hit the tanning booth for a few weeks before ya get to Oahu ?

Just ramp it up gradually and get the fake tan up to a light bronze. That's what I do before I go to Brasil in February.I lay down a base coat before the breaking out the tanning butter.

I've got plenny Irish DNA but years as a lifeguard and many many years in the sun have bumped up my melanin levels:freak3:, I dunno what that even means but my skin can take a good scorching from the sun.

always proud to be sportin' a goggle tan or just some raccoon eyes :D:D

I'll let you know some good plans to make for Oahu- love that island :1luvu:



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I've got plenny Irish DNA but years as a lifeguard and many many years in the sun have bumped up my melanin levels:freak3:, I dunno what that even means but my skin can take a good scorching from the sun.

One year we were short staffed so I pulled doubles all summer. Put in 70 hours a week. All my hair went white (arm, leg, and chest... what there was anyways, except for the hair which was not exposed) and I was darker than I've ever been. The other gaurds called me "The Vanilla Gorilla". They said I looked like the blonde ape from Planet of the Apes I think they were just jealous cause the girls seemed to love it.


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They said I looked like the blonde ape from Planet of the Apes I think they were just jealous cause:1luvu: the girls :1luvu:seemed to love it.:biggthump

Dr. Zaius,

you ARE what Willis was talkin' bout.

I think you can find a full suit type scuba diving thin skin to wear. You WILL look very silly but no worries about getting burnt.

I have some ultra nectar kite pants and a long sleeve heavier weight rash guard, I bet that would work. Just lather up with tons of Bullfrog


find my boy "Rabbit" down next to the surfboard lockup on Waikiki and take a lesson.Just ask around and get a real deal lesson from a Legend.


hope he's still around, Rabbit is one funny old man:cool:

photodad, ever heard about "grape ape" ? it's a hydro clone from cali:freak3:

I've been darker than some of my lighter skinned afro american friends and darker skinned portuguese buddys after a full summer in tha sun.

they call me Willis ! seriously:D

ole "Silverback" Gilmour is sportin' that look 24/7:D au natural



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good one !

could you hit the tanning booth for a few weeks before ya get to Oahu ?

Fake bake? I'd sooner stuff my Speedos full of dead mackerel, swim out to where the sharks are, and make injured-seal noises. Seriously--bad stuff, those tanning beds. I just saw my dermatologist the other week, and she told me she's seen a huge number of 20-something women with skin cancers because of the fake-baking. That UVB does some *serious* damage. Hope you're the exception, though!

But definitely thanks for the Oahu tips! Can't wait to get out there. Yeah, I'm not afraid to nerd it up with the fullsuit. Besides, some of 'em look kinda cool. I saw a great deal on an old-school one with the metal helmet and the little caged window. Stand back, Laird Hamilton!

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Dear gawd. That is just so wrong!

Did you hear Keith Richards had a facelift?

There was enough left over for a nice carry-on and a pair of hiking boots.

Hey, Photodad: When you went after these lifeguard bunnies, did one of them ever say to you:

"Get your stinking paws off of me, you damn dirty ape!":D

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I don't think you'll need a wetsuit out in the water in Hawaii. It's really warm out there no matter what time of year it is. Mainly because it's Hawaii. You can find some good rashguards at Surf N Sea in Haliewa. They'll help you out. If you're coming from the windward side (Kaneohe is over there) it's just a nice drive up Kamehameha Hwy along the coast, take the first Haliewa exit and it'll be a big yellow building on your right before the bridge. If you're coming from Honolulu going up through Pearl City and Mililani, take the 2nd Haliewa exit and it'll be the same directions as if you were going at the 1st exit. I hope that helps you out! If you want to do some mtn biking, rent a bike from Raging Isle in Haliewa, they have great bikes! Have fun out in Hawaii! Maybe I'll be out there again sometime this summer.

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Oh yeah, if you do go out in a wetsuit, watch out. The locals will notice and might steal things from you or your car. It's really easy to spot a tourist and it's best to try to blend in as much as you can. Unless you're in Waikiki, then it doesn't matter because everyone is a tourist there. I still think you'd be better off with a rashguard, maybe one that has more padding in the chest area.

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But definitely thanks for the Oahu tips! Can't wait to get out there. Yeah, I'm not afraid to nerd it up with the fullsuit. Besides, some of 'em look kinda cool.

wearing a full suit in Hawaii will not only get you mocked but more important you will cook....heatstoke...the water temp is nearly 80 right now and it's only gonna get warmer. I can't imagine wearing a fullsuit even in a full on hurricane.....seriously long trunks, a longsleeve rash guard and a boonie hat; all of which you should be able to find in one of the many Surfshops in Honolulu. If you have a good south swell you might wanna check out Rice Bowl which is way at the east end of Waikiki (or the west end of Diamond Head) follow Kalakawa along the beach past Kapiolani park at the end it will turn left away from the beach and there's a small neighborhood in front of you, park there if you have a car. There is a beach access on you right about 1/3rd of the way down the block...if you see the round chinese gate you have gone too far. As for other things to do Hiking up on Mt Tantalus is lots of fun...the views are amazing. Get a set of Old School Trunks made at Miura Store and Tailor Shop in Haleiwa up on the North Shore...I still have both sets of mine:biggthump

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hurry over

UV proof rashguards for cheap. they won't last tho, don't hesitate

paddle paddle paddle ...stand up

seriously, good deal on a quiksilver rashguard

2 for 1 ! $24.99 !

I'll need an XL


Both rash guards feature lightweight Lycra that blocks harmful UV rays, won't irritate thanks to flatlock stitching and a low neck design, and feature board short fastener loops.

Bottom Line:

board short fastener loops help prevent unsightly gut bulges ie the " love handle leakage "

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Thanks, Andy & Gecko. That is good info to have. We will in fact be at Waikiki with all the other aloha-shirt-wearing, map-studying tourists. But I'll make sure I don't take anything valuable with me to the beach, just in case. Maybe I'll slather on some bronzer beforehand lest my albino pallor make my status too obvious.

Good point about the heatstroke. I'm surprised that it would get so hot inside a wetsuit once it gets wet--but I believe you! A rashguard, hat, gallon drum of Bullfrog, and a 2-hour time limit is the new plan.

Really appreciate the advice, guys. Mahalo!

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Make sure you get out of Waikiki for a while. That place drives me nuts! Waikiki just bugs me. But I'm more used to north shore and windward side spots. Get out of Waikiki and do some exploring!

I lived in Kaimuki but Rice Bowl was the closest I came to Waikiki for most of my 4 years in Hawaii unless I had family/friends visiting. Haleiwa was a fairly regular visit because of Cholo's. The Bus is a good way to get around and always remember to ask for a transfer ticket...they are good for 3 hours which means if you always ask for one you need only buy one fare and ride the bus all day just exchanging xfers (not that I would scam the system since I usually had a pass)

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I promise we'll get out of Waikiki! Definitely up for some hiking--and most of all some serious eating. Might try the kitesurfing as well--looks fun. Esp. if I get a sweet kiteboard like Willy's! (Did you actually try that thing out on the water?!)

Wish we could hit the Big Island and Maui, but getting to both is kind of expensive. (We just paid for a wedding and another vacation, so we're kind of going budget on this one.) I will for sure go to Mt. Tantalus, though--and will steer clear of Makaha!

You guys (or anyone else) ever need travel tips to DC, hit me up.

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I love Cholo's! It's pretty good mexican food. I'd get around by car if you can. The Bus can be so unpredictable with the times they come by. Last I heard was that they had cracked down on the time limit of transfers, but maybe they eased up on that. Ted's Bakery in Sunset was my favorite place for a burger and a slice of chocolate haupia pie. Oh yeah, I lived in Laie for a while, so I was used to the country side of things.

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The Bus is a good way to get around and always remember to ask for a transfer ticket...they are good for 3 hours which means if you always ask for one you need only buy one fare and ride the bus all day just exchanging xfers (not that I would scam the system since I usually had a pass)

I think I still have my old bus passes stashed in a salty old wallet somewhere.

Seriously, best bus system in the US. Clean, AC always cranked,safe. Take it from the Mall in Waikiki over to Kailua to check out kiting or all the way up to the North Shore for a day trip.

tony, remember the "ALL BUS" T shirts somebuddy made up ?

in locals slang, dey call "all bus"- all busted up.....like when he come over, he ALL BUS' from drinkin all day, cuz :smashfrea

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