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I was doing leg extensions yesterday and my right knee was making a crackling sound at the end of the extension. It hasn't done that before and it's not my "bad" knee. I was doing heavy weight low rep and I max out the weight on the machine at 200 lbs. (I ussually use that much weight so it wasn't that I was over doing it) My knee didn't hurt and it wasn't a large pop, but I could kinda feel it when it crackled. I have a shoulder I hyper extended skateboarding that does that when bench press. Any ideas what it could be? Any suggestions?

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Knee "cracking" or crepitus is not very specific...

Did you knee swell up? Do you have limitations in the range of motion now?

Does it hurt?

Can you bear weight on it?

Was there a sensation of twisting when it happened?

If all of the above are negative, welcome to middle age. My joints snap, crackle and pop all the time....

Go see a doctor is any of the above are positive....


Cynthia Savage, MD

TX license J1444

AKA skatha

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Its called Crepitus ($10 word for cracks and pops when I move it). It is generally Benign ($10 word for harmless)

Like Skatha pointed out though it should be checked out if its accompanied by symptoms.

Most people have it in at least one joint. It is also common in weight lifters and probably more so on machines like you describe since they don't often fit you specifically. If I had to guess I would say that your knees weren't lined up exactly with the center of the machines ROM. This would be more noticeable with heavier weights. try adjusting yourself and or the machine so that your knees are hinging on the same line or plane that the machine is.

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Knee "cracking" or crepitus is not very specific...

Did you knee swell up? Do you have limitations in the range of motion now?

Does it hurt?

Can you bear weight on it?

Was there a sensation of twisting when it happened?

If all of the above are negative, welcome to middle age. My joints snap, crackle and pop all the time....

Go see a doctor is any of the above are positive....


Cynthia Savage, MD

TX license J1444

AKA skatha

No pain, no swelling, I even continued with my workout. I was just surprised that it was the knee that has never been injured making the creeks and not the other. Perhaps from years of favoring the one side?

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Its called Crepitus ($10 word for cracks and pops when I move it). It is generally Benign ($10 word for harmless)

Like Skatha pointed out though it should be checked out if its accompanied by symptoms.

Most people have it in at least one joint. It is also common in weight lifters and probably more so on machines like you describe since they don't often fit you specifically. If I had to guess I would say that your knees weren't lined up exactly with the center of the machines ROM. This would be more noticeable with heavier weights. try adjusting yourself and or the machine so that your knees are hinging on the same line or plane that the machine is.

Any "itus" just sounds old. "I got tha 'ITUS'!" I've been going to the same place using the same machine for years. Must be my 40th coming up causing the deterioration.

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Any "itus" just sounds old. "I got tha 'ITUS'!" I've been going to the same place using the same machine for years. Must be my 40th coming up causing the deterioration.

NAh kids get it to:biggthump my right ankle has popped and clicked since I can remember. besides you are only as old as you feel:eplus2:

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No pain, no swelling, I even continued with my workout. I was just surprised that it was the knee that has never been injured making the creeks and not the other. Perhaps from years of favoring the one side?


My right shoulder never popped when I did my yoga or my shoulder rehab after dislocating it. Turns out, it was because I had no labrum on that side. Now I have a reconstructed one and now my shoulder pops. The first time it happened I freaked out-see, it even happens to docs. But then I remembered the whole bit about swelling, pain, ROM and I calmed myself down....

Of course, the popping can just be your synovium getting pinched. You may have had your ankle in just the right position for it to happen

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Of course, the popping can just be your synovium getting pinched. You may have had your ankle in just the right position for it to happen

I noticed the crackling (I think that describes it better than popping or creeking) again today. I tried to pay closer attention to it's location. It seems to be right above and just under the knee cap. The sound is faint, kinda like when you first pour milk on rice crispies. Again, no pain but it is an uncomfortable feeling and rom, swelling are all normal. My knee does stiffin up if I've been sitting, standing a while, but it's always done that.

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I would tend to lean toward Iliotibial band syndrome with hardbooting. the IT band runs from your hip joint to the outside of your knee. Give it a good dig top to bottom and tell us what that feels like. if it hurts or is over sore when you dig into it you have a tight Iliotibial band. Deep tissue massage of the area and stretches would fix you up in no time.

This late in the season we tend to be getting over muscled in the quads and its a good idea to really stretch those as well.:biggthump


Common in weight lifting particularly squats (sounds like the bottom of a carve!) This is also caused by exercise on uneven surfaces and with under or oversupported arches. A good reason to have good insoles and proper canting in your setup.

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This late in the season we tend to be getting over muscled in the quads and its a good idea to really stretch those as well.

A good reason to have good insoles and proper canting in your setup.

I have noticed an increase in size (and definition) in the quads (not that I'm complaining), and my insoles are as old as the boots (3 years). Need to replace the insoles definately.

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