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CRAZY idea--dissuade me now if it's a dumb one, please!

John Bell

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Molding one of my Deeluxe Suzuka liners in the oven right this minute. Messing around with the other one, I realize it is way tough to get the liner into the boot. I'm a bit worried that when the other one comes outta the over in a few minutes, that I won't be able to cram it into the liner without ripping it to shreds. (These are the gray stock liners that came with the shells.)

When I do the other liner, what would happen if I put it in the shell and put the whole boot in the oven (at 210-215, turned off, of course)? It seems like this would nix the risk of tearing the liner. But I have no idea if that temp is hot enough to melt the plastic shell or weaken it.

Thanks for any thoughts.

PS: Go ahead and give me s$$t if this is a stupid idea. I can take it. I also reheated a slice of pizza on an iron once, in a hotel room. And I have a design for a rocking toilet.

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I did manage to get the liner crammed in. Kind of unsure as to whether to do it with my hand or put it on my foot first; the latter was what worked.

BTW, I used aluminum foil around my toes, with some scotch tape for extra adhesion. Worked great--no slippage.

Also, I left the Superfeet liners in the boots--no prob there either. I put the liner on top of a Corning opaque (Pyrex-like) dish to keep it from scorching.

What a great forum--when the only other person viewing at that time can be counted on to steer you away from your own stupid ideas.:biggthump

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I molded my Suzukas one after the other last week. Only needed help holding the shells open, but that was it. Temps that worked for me were 230/250 with the oven off. Your liners would have a tough time getting up to temp inside the shells.

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Great advice there--esp. about the shopping bag, Pebu. I actually just used that tip--worked like a charm. (I'm sure the pantyhose would've worked, too--but believe it or not, I don't have a pair lying around just now.)

Hey, Jim--do the shin buckles on your Suzukas tend to pop open if they're not totally tight?

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Looks like I must've had the flaps wrong on the right-foot liner. There's now a big crease running up the outside ankle. (Looks like the rule with the Deeluxes is "outer flap on top on either foot.")

Do you guys think I should remold? This liner now has 3 molds on it (2 from me and one from the previous owner). I don't wanna wear out the liners, but then I don't wanna get out there and be in pain either.

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