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Freecarving-Masters Festival in Soelden (Austria)


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Hi folks,

have you anything planned for seaon's final? If not don’t miss the first Freecarving Masters Festival in Soelden (May 01, to May 04, 2008)

What to expect:

A big bunch of carving snowboarders are going to come over Soelden for having a great season final. Participants from all over Europe and America as well as some of most famous brands in hardboot snowboarding immediately decided to join the Festival. So besides a lot of Testequipment, you can expect a Freecarving Session with a lot of carving-maniacs. One of the highlights will be the big free-carving-contest on May 2, 2008 on the Rettenbach-Glacier. It is a not a race, it is a fun contest where everyone can take part. The participants choose their own line on a carving-slope with obstacles, jumps and banks. The run is judged by a jury. The most stylish run wins. No matter if you want to take part at the fun contest or you just want to join the session. Please subscribe under www.carving-masters.de.

Who are we:

We are carving-maniacs, we are snowboarders. We love our sport and we see a lot of potential in it. One of the greatest experiences is to join a carving-session and to share our passion with friends. We stuck our heads together and decided to bring up an event that lifts carving to the level it belongs to. Soelden in Austria is the perfect location for this Festival. We thank Soelden and all Snowboard brands for their support.

Freecarving Masters 2008 is supported by Alpinepunk, Catek, Donek, Freecarve.de, F2, Goltes, Mpride, Pogo, Pureboarding, Sigi Grabner, Soelden Tourism, Virus…… to be continuedWarning:

Empiric studies have shown inevitable side effects of freecarving-sessions, which should not be underrated because of the sustainable consequences:

<DIR>-Great Parties

-New friends of the kind your mother has warned you

-Headaches on the day after

-Concentration difficulties in your job

</DIR>For more information ask the guys from www.carving-masters.de or your favourite snowboard company.

Or just ask me.


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  • 1 month later...


I've been planing to go there for over a month, but I can't :angryfire

It would be great to hear from you guys who go there some comparisons on the demo boards!

I would personaly like to see a comparison of SG Race T, Goltes Titanal and Alpinepunk Metalburner!

Thanks in advance if someone does it for me :biggthump

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We will deliver tons of photos and videos. And hopefully in the next year we will have a bigger transatlantic carver exchange. As far as I know there are some more guys from Europe coming to the SES next year.

Besides that we have opened an english spoken section on the Frozen Backside.

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  • 3 weeks later...
... Please post the one of Superman dragging face over here.

Superman actually has some pretty good moves if you look at the other stuff, but if you insist:


That's the nose of the board you're seeing on the right of the picture.

There were some pretty narrow boards there. I think I'm about half way between those guys and the baggy panted chaps with the duck stance.

Virus seemed to have it with numbers out on the snow; I figured maybe that was a local company or something.

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Maybe next year... Willy. This is from opening for the old 999 punks from England.


The session was a fantastic event! Great people, good riding, sunshine and well organised. The carvingcontest was a sucess i think and it´s something to look into for nxt years aspen-session.


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