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Heel-slippage skinned my shin - can I ride?


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So last week I was riding at stratton on Sunday, had a wonderful day back on the board (and probably my first really strong day of carving this season) and my shoulder felt fine (woo-Hoo!). I had done some additional bootfitting work but I guess my rear heel was slipping and so my shin was rubbing up against the front of my cuff all day - funny thing is - I didn't feel it. About 2pm I started to feel some pain in my heel from the rubbing there and went to green-mountain orthotics in the mountain village (highly recommended). When I took off my boot my heel looked fine but the skin on the front of my shin had been totally destroyed. Six-Days later, I have a good sized scab on the front of my shin. Yesterday I prepped it for riding by putting some skin-shield liquid bandage on it, and then putting a thick gauze pad on top of that and wrapping/taping it.

I haven't tried putting my boots on and pressing against it, to gauge the pain ... I uhh ... have plenty of high-powered pain medication left over. But I don't want to ride on it if it is going to prolong the healing process as I have three weekend trips coming up, and then four days at ECES (trying to make up for lost days from my injury) so I'd rather not screw all that up for just one day of riding.

I could go to Mt.Snow or Windham tomorrow ... and It would be nice to ride but not if it's going to prolong my shin from healing up.

Green-mountain orthotics eliminated the heel lift in my boots so that should be good now. Anyone have any experience with this?

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Hey Thanks guys. I ended up giving it a rest and letting it heal ... managed to actually clean the apartment and get my friggin laundry done too so it probably wasn't a bad decision to not ride.

Feels pretty good now ... I'm a bit worried about being in shape for ECES, after waiting out so much of the season but I'm definitely riding alot between now and then. I bought some extra padding to put between my tongues and the boot/liner - hoping to try those out this weekend.

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Dude, Im telling you that pad I got works great. Never moves in the boot and I cant tell its there. You might want to consider it. Best $20 I spent lately

Cool bobby - I'm going to place an order for one and give it a shot - thanks for the help. One of my biggest challenges this season has been getting my boots totally dialed. I'm really close but still have a bit of work to do.

Wait - do you have a link?

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