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Fin asked me to do a SES clinic- what shall it be?

John Gilmour

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So I debated..

and debated...

..and debated...

I thought I might do a clinic to help people that were stuck at intermediate carving.

Or I could explain how to ride powerfully without being in great physical shape.

But what I realized was that so many people do not have Aspen like snow at their home mountain- instead they have bullet proof man made snow and ice, and compressed chalk.

So I was thinking about doing a stance clinic to help you dial in your board for New England style Ice carving and chalk...

Of course... you'll want to learn the style and stance for carving ice (to go with that stance)... but I figure there is enough talent at SES that you could find someone from the ICE Coast to emulate informally.

But it helps to be dialed in to begin with.

So for those of you who brought laptops... I bet a whole lot of you......lol...

what would you like? Pick something and I'll ask Fin what he thinks is best.


Bmw 600

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I don't arrive in Aspen till tomorrow night, but here is my idea.

How many people just this year have had to sit out the whole season because of a carving related injury? It's hard to improve when you are nursing old injuries or worse, have to sit out all together.

In the spirit of the 'Gilmour Gear' thread, perhaps you could do something that is aimed at identifying the most common injuries and how to help prevent them by modifying user inputs i.e. different styles for different conditions, stance choices, how to crash, body position to avoid injuries etc.

I think we all know about going over the handlebars, but still occasionally get caught misreading when that can happen and other types of crashes besides. So that's my two cents, from a guy who has done huge crashes in more than one sport and has just been REALLY lucky so far.

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OUCH!!! As I sit at my computer while my leg heals and not being at SES, I get to read this. Way to rub it in!


This is an easy answer - don't crash :smashfrea

My suggestion would be to teach riders to always stay behind Thor when on the mountain


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I asked Fin and he said not to worry about it and we have enough clinics. My advice when falling lock your arms and..hug yourself (You can lift.. to protect your face)- wrists and shoulders- rotaotor cuff and collar bone as well as preventing separated shoulders.- and even protects elbows from hyper extension. If you fall backwards slam on one cheek never both (protects tailbone) - if you hit your tailbone hard enough you can suffer a concussion.

Never leave limbs out in a crash situation. I totally ate it today going about 30mph went to hit some powder and sank the tip- pearled and just hugged myself- no injury.

Practice a few low speed controlled falls so when the real thing happens it is automatic.

Stay away from trees and snowmaking equipment



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I asked Fin and he said not to worry about it and we have enough clinics. My advice when falling lock your arms and..hug yourself (You can lift.. to protect your face)- wrists and shoulders- rotaotor cuff and collar bone as well as preventing separated shoulders.- and even protects elbows from hyper extension. If you fall backwards slam on one cheek never both (protects tailbone) - if you hit your tailbone hard enough you can suffer a concussion.

Never leave limbs out in a crash situation. I totally ate it today going about 30mph went to hit some powder and sank the tip- pearled and just hugged myself- no injury.

Practice a few low speed controlled falls so when the real thing happens it is automatic.

Stay away from trees and snowmaking equipment

I have lots of shoulder problems (I've had several dislocations on both shoulders). This is exactly what I started to do a couple a years ago and it works quite well. When i say to people they have to learn to fall when snowboarding, they just laugh at me. It's like judo, you have to learn to fall not to get hurt.

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