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RIP Heath


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you were great in Lords of Dogtown as Skip, I thought you were Val Kilmer until weeks later and looked it up and realized it was an aussie dude.

Never saw that cowboy movie, tho

too young:(at 28

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Skip: You gotta approach every day as if it's your last!


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I have met Heath a few times at sundance in the past. One year burton had brought all this gear in for the "stars" Heath and Seenia Miller where dating and jumped on the oppertunity to ride on new gear. Burton decked them both out from head to toe (Heath even brought his old gear so he cold ride) and Heath asked two of the shop rats if they would help he and Seenia ride for a few dollars. After their trip was over He and Seenia gave all the gear burton gave them to the shop rats who helpped them out, as well as a bunch of cash for there time. Heath even left his old gear in the shop for some one else to ride. I t stayed there for a year or two, with a sighn for the ladies, "this is what heath ledgers feet smell like" it read on his boots! I thought it was top notch that they gave the Rats all the free gear they got! There was even a bonus for the rats as Apple had loaded the burton coats with Ipods that got discovered in the coats given to them!

Drank Beers with Heath and Stacey Perlata while telling lies about snowboarding! Great time!

Bummer he won't be around any more...

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Jan/4/08 Let's get Montel Back on the Air! Please sign the petition at http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Ke...

Variety reported http://tinyurl.com/yppssw that The Montel Williams Show has been cancelled just 3 days after appearing on Fox and Friends. I hope it is not because he supported the troops. In any case please join this campaign to get him back on the air. For details and updates visit http://montelw1.wordpress.com/.

Jan/26/08 08:41 ET Montel Williams turned the question on live television when he choose to focus on the solders dying in Iraq rather than the passing of Heath Ledger. Montel did not return for a further segment.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co3Spcq6Uzs&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co3Spcq6Uzs&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

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