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cheapest place to stay in Summit CO?


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What the heck is that supposed to mean? Since when did loving your fellow man and nature become passe? I thought the greed decade of the 90s was over and that today's society is finding new value in volunteering to help less fortunate and to save the environment.

I mean, free love and psychedelics may have gone out with the advent of AIDS and better drugs, but a lot of the Dead's message is even more relevant today than it was 30 years ago.

Sorry to get off subject, but I hate it when greed-and-lust-for-money types make fun of hippies. It's a good thing some of us freaks are still around to say something while the Bush Express preaches that the strength of stocks and the GNP are more important than global warming and the dissappearance of half of the species in this world in the name of a strong economy.

OK, OK. I'll calm down now ... give me some untracked powder and it will all be fine ....

the snow goddess

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What the heck is that supposed to mean? Since when did loving your fellow man and nature become passe? I thought the greed decade of the 90s was over and that today's society is finding new value in volunteering to help less fortunate and to save the environment.

the snow goddess

Take another puff Cindy and settle down. That means my head is dead as in me too. Goes back to goofy pre show chatter. "How's your head? My head is dead. If you're head is not dead then you need some more Panama Red."

I am a Deadhead. Love the Dead. Love Jerry. Love Bobby. Love Phil. Love Mickey. Love Pigpen. Heck I even Love Donna, but she had to be sleeping with someone to get on stage 'cause lets be real, she had more heart than pipes. Sorry for totally sexist bull**** comment about Donna, but it's how I feel.

I mean, free love and psychedelics may have gone out with the advent of AIDS and better drugs, but a lot of the Dead's message is even more relevant today than it was 30 years ago.

Message still good, when did free love and psychedelics go out of fashion?

I am so out of it.

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Uhm, Im just telling what I saw at the hostel, with no negative or positive connotation.

Just to satisfy your curiosity on -MY- opinion of grateful dead -- I used to be a deadhead. :p

LeeW, I was just curious what you meant, it's tough to read "emotions" or "feelings" in text. When spoken, things are much easier to decipher. I didn't mean to be confrontational. Just trying to get at what you saw in the hostel.

When you said "stuffs" earlier, as in "bunch of grateful dead stuffs all over the place," what is "stuffs?" People? Vandalism? Just not sure what you meant by stuffs.

PS...42 dead shows under my belt, 16 Jerry shows, 6 Phil & Friends, and a couple of Ratdog shows...about 1700 hours on tape/cd/misc lossless audio files/etc. Been out of the scene for a while...hhhhmmm...time to cut some new CDs or add some music to my iPod...

PPS...if you know a Sheree Clarke, used to live in the Silverthorne area, tell her Ben (the tall guy) from CT, said "Hi." I lost touch with her a while back...

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BTW sorry for the threadjack DB.

Resort Sports Network ( RSN ) just showed some pretty ripping hard boot carving for one of their transitions.

I'm out, gonna go ride. :biggthump

Well I found out the cheapest place NOT to stay!!!

However I did end up watching Jasey Jay in the Jeep king of the mtn(on rsn-X), that was pretty impressive

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What the heck is that supposed to mean? Since when did loving your fellow man and nature become passe? I thought the greed decade of the 90s was over and that today's society is finding new value in volunteering to help less fortunate and to save the environment.

I mean, free love and psychedelics may have gone out with the advent of AIDS and better drugs, but a lot of the Dead's message is even more relevant today than it was 30 years ago.

Sorry to get off subject, but I hate it when greed-and-lust-for-money types make fun of hippies. It's a good thing some of us freaks are still around to say something while the Bush Express preaches that the strength of stocks and the GNP are more important than global warming and the dissappearance of half of the species in this world in the name of a strong economy.

OK, OK. I'll calm down now ... give me some untracked powder and it will all be fine ....

the snow goddess

great rant, Cindy.:biggthump

I'm surprised there aren't more dead heads into carving. Met plenny hippys on hippystix telemarkin', which is another pure form of the snow slidin', but only a few true GD fans in hard boots.I never considered myself a real Dead Head because I never "went on tour" and only saw shows her in the NE but I've got a ton of great stories about shows here in Boston at the old Garden, MSG in NYC and those Highgate shows in Vt. The only thing I can compare dead shows to is Carnaval in Brasil. Just a ton of chill people dancin' in the streets, feelin' the love and being kind. I really miss that vibe. it was awesome:rolleyes:

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