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alright so heres the deal:

i washed out of a few toeside carves the other day because of "knee out", i guess you could call it. same effect as boot out, but with my back knee. I was bending it out away from the other knee, should i not have done that? or could the source of the problem actually be something else that im missing?

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I agree with trying Jrobb's suggestion about the binding angle.

Also, instead of driving that back knee into the turn, drive from the hips instead. In other words, don't just bend your knees to put the board on egde, drive the hip down. And don't turn your body in the direction of the toeside turn -- keep it aligned with your binding angles or maybe even a little toward the front of the board.

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as the riders from team32 (loon mtn) would say, Drop the hip!

That really is all there is to it.

3rd day of the season from a few weeks ago:

<object height="355" width="425">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXrcYs5jRgk&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="355" width="425"></object>

now on heelside, don't do what I do, since its a problem I'm still working on. I need to bring the right hand (outside) more forward.

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testing to be conducted tonight, i will report back as soon as i can. Thanks for the tips everyone, and especially gleb for the vid. hows school going? first semester killed. we have to maintain 2.5 over here or we get the boot!

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no prob man. We have to keep a 2.5 aswell. How did you end up doing? My first semester was easy because I already had all those classes in high school. My gpa after the first year was a whopping 2.23. So I can snowboard the following winter, I took organic chem in the summer and slacked off big time, brining me down to an astounding 2.14. I did get to snowboard 5 days a week last year and it was the best semester of my life because of that.

By the end of 2nd year, i had to be up to a 2.5. I got a 3.3 1st semester, and a 3.0 2nd bringing me to a 2.499. The Dean likes me since i went to high school with his daughter, took her snowboarding and what not, so he let me stay in the major. She is a cool girl, and I didnt take her riding just because shes the deans daughter. I still have the screen shot of the online grade database we have of my gpa being that close. 3rd year is where it gets really really tough, but you actually learn stuff thats interesting and useful. I learned more this year than I did the past 5 years of school.

got a 2.93 this semester and now my gpa is at 2.59 so now i have a buffer. Just keep with it, and dont slack off like I did. Make a buffer for yourself so you dont have to stress like i did this past semester. I do work better under pressure, so I think its for the best that I was so close to failing.

Hope the riding went well tonight. If your knee still sticks out, put more angle on the rear foot, like Jrobb said.

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