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Mhm 12-30


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Jim, looks like you caught the tail end of the storm. Big Time!!!

14" , yeah!!

Maybe Monday, wishfull thinking that the crowds will be smaller. :smashfrea

Hope you had a great "Tanker Day"

Yes Bryan had a great time and it wasnt that crowded! Hit all the favorites and didnt have too wait at the bottom. Rode the Tanker 192 and it snowed all day! You should have come along....


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Blue skys, cold, and both Vista and Cascade lifts opened.

Crowds? Yes. :mad: But making pow laps on Vista helped me not feel quite so bad about missing yesterday. :biggthump

These photos taken today.

(1) Mt Hood's SE side from Shoot Star Chairlift

(2) Mt Hood's S side from the area just west of the Vista chairlift's top.

(3) Mt Hood from White River bridge. (the site of the huge mud/rock flow last year that closed the road for over a month, as in no access to Mt Hood Meadows!!)




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Not quite a clear and sunny today. Finally some good groomers!! Not nearly as crowded as yesterday. Still heavy traffic but not many lines to speak of.

Tried out my new Tinkler TNT, very interesting feel. It is like it is following the snow and doesn't let pressure off one edge until the other is already tracking. Starts and finishes softer yet I can crank on it hard in the middle.

Very nice. Look forward to more time on it soon!!

1 , lower S/S Ridge, first couple runs were sweet, full carved it with ease.

2 , S/S Ridge, edge to edge , left side softer than right. Really nice. Should have stayed there even longer!!

3 , I am sure you are bored with Mt Hood summit shots, just liked the light and the bird in this one.




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Last I heard Heather Canyon had still not opened. Word was , not till Wed??

Flat light sort of took some of the fun out of the carving (it was starting to get rougher too). Then the sun came back out and I got out the new TNT.

Good decision!! It was a nice early afternoon afterall!!

1 Tail of Tinkler TNT

2 "Stadium", they super groomed for the racers yesterday and then cleaned it up nice today, probably the best groomer of the day for me. Steeper.

3 Nose of the TNT, on edge partially flexed.




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Hi Galen, glad to hear you won't have to wait much longer, just take it easy!!

Yes, it was about as smooth as I have seen it. Didn't take long to get bumpy again though. If it doesn't rain or get ugly , it would be really good Wednesday.

Look forward to having you on the far side of the chair soon :eplus2::biggthump

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I was up today too - New Year's day. I found some softer snow on S/S Ridge and buried the nose once... :freak3::freak3::freak3:

Otherwise, we were riding HRM and did a couple of laps on Vista later in the day. Great snow, firming up nicely after all the crowds yesterday. If we didn't have more snow coming our way, tomorrow/Thursday would probably be just about perfect chalk.

We saw your tracks for sure...was wondering who that was!

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Hey Dan, here I thought I was the only alpine rider on the mt. I did see an O-Sin from the Vista chair, but the rider was using soft boots I thought. You?

I think I made two laps on HRM but that is it. I did a half dozen on Vista. I spent more time on Stadium (Yellow) than I have in years. No line, slow chair but little waist getting to the goods. :o

I had my radio on all day? You?

I am going to stop carrying it if no one else does? :smashfrea

Sorry I missed you? Who else?


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Hey Bryan, I was hard booting on a Madd BX...thought the snow would be too soft for GS. I don't even have a softie setup now, except for my antique Airwalks and Preston LXs from 1997. It would probably be about like riding in Converse hightops. :)

I was riding with Erin and my buds Octavio and Ben (you remember Ben? He bought his Oxygen freeride board from you about 2 years ago). Octavio is making the transition to hard boots (after a few years of encouragement from me), but was riding soft today - he was thinking the snow would be softer than it was. In fact, Vista was awesome, and I bet Stadium was pretty sweet...wish I'd thought of hitting that.

I saw that guy with the O-sin too, but didn't recognize him...didn't seem like the right conditions for that board today.

Radios...good point. I have two sets, and I hardly ever use them -- would be good to start, especially as cell reception can be dodgy on a lot of the mountain. What frequency do you monitor?

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