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ordering from donek


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I orderd a Blade in Nov. and got it in 3 week's give or take a day or two!

Sean, was good to deal with!

I know he has gotten some big order's in lately, because I have another board coming too! and he said it won't be ready until Jan. or so?

Give him a call after Christmas and I am sure you will get udated!

Merry Christmas all!


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I'm not sure of your name, so I can't give you specifics on your order. We did start the season a bit behind and have had a few pieces of equipment break down (all working fine now). It has been extremely difficult to judge exact delivery times and we have been late on some orders. I know right now that we have a couple of rebuilds of boards that were messed up on the first go. I'm very sorry for the delay. We are working overtime and I have had former employees home on holiday in the shop helping out to get things caught up. We have, however, allowed ourself a bit of a break for Christmas. We will be back in the shop on Thursday. Please give me a call or e-mail and I will be happy to give you more details on your board.

Thanks for your patience and have a hoppy holiday.

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I orderd a Blade in Nov. and got it in 3 week's give or take a day or two!

Sean, was good to deal with!

I know he has gotten some big order's in lately, because I have another board coming too! and he said it won't be ready until Jan. or so?

Give him a call after Christmas and I am sure you will get udated!

Merry Christmas all!

I am considering a Blade. Have you riden it enough to know if you like it yet?

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I have only gotten to ride it one day so far, every day that I have gone up has been a powder day! Not that I am complaining! The day I rode it was to get a feel for it. I just cruised aroung the Mtn. on some easy blue runs. It felt like all Mtn. cruiser until you put some energy into a turn and then it wanted to lock into a large radius arc, which it is suppose to do! I got the medium flex which felt plenty still for my 195 lbs. I can wait to open up on it with some big fast turns, maybee tomorrow?

I keep you posted!


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I got the 180cm medium flex!

So far I have 2 days on it and it's been good. The conditions have been just ok, to much POW! You need some room to move once you commit to a turn it want's to lock in. But if you just want to dodge people and things it does fine.

It give's you what you put into it. I you want to crank a big arc it is right there with you! I like the width, it feels very stable and you don't get bounced around to bad. I tried it yesterday with soft rings and no cant's, zero front and back and it felt pretty good, it didn't take to long to get use to it.

I am looking forward to some nice groomed run's! I keep you posted!


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Hey Buckles,

What have you been riding? The medium Blade to me feels like it will hold a

little heavier guy! I am at 195-200lbs. and 5'10"

I know with the Swoards that the softer flex's are more popular. Are you

doing EC Style turns?

If you are you might want the Med. flex, if you want it more for a speed

machine maybee the stiff?

Sean at Donek can probably help you on that issue. Also with the width of

the board what angle's do you ride? I am most comfortable with 53 deg or

less on my front foot and 46 or less on my back depending on what board I

ride and what terrain?

I have orderd another Donek, The Razor in a 182cm, it will be just a little

softer and wider than the Blade, I want to use it as my all Mtn. board and

in the Pow! I had the Prior ATV last season, it was a good all around board,

Powder too!. It was good for learning EC style turns for me until I got into

the steeps or really firm snow. I knew I needed a little longer and stiffer

board, but I did like the width, it is the same as the Blade 23.5cm. The

Blade so far, I feel I can push alot harder and I will be able to grow into

it! If you like a little wider board and lower angles you should love it!

There is another Guy Here in Bend 6'3" and 235lbs. who orderd the same

board, but hadn't ridden it yet for the same reason, to much POW!

I will give him a call tomorrow to see if he has ridden it yet?

$630 + $35 shipping is not to bad for a great new board! Later in the spring

you can usually pick up boards on the BOL site for a few hundred off or so?

I think with the blade for me I will wait for those epic coderoix day's and

for the big open Mtn's. like Mammoth etc!

And with the Powder day's go with a Tanker!

Later, Brett


Prior ATV9.bmp

Tankers 1.bmp

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I am still riding a few 12-15 yr old Hot Logicals 155-164 that are too stiff and a little short for my 215 lbs. I used to weigh less. Sorry, but I still love the 164. I want to hear more about the Blade after you or anyone else has had it out on good groomed cruisers all day. I want a new set up NOW but think I'll wait and demo some stuff at the ECES. From all that I have been reading on all these forums, it seems that I will clearly realize what have been missing after trying a longer wider symetrical board with a little more flex. I want to buy the right one. There is a lot of positive talk about the metal Prior and to hear some of the Swoard guys talk about the Swoard, it is the only board to buy. I think it was a Colier I saw with a sweet flame on it but all I read about it was about the graphic. I want to buy the right one because the last time I bought I did some research, think I found the best of that era and it has stuck by me for many years and still carves well. If I buy the right one, it should last too. So many choices, so few thousand dollar bills...

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