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Good Gawd almighty!


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Carving?! Those were not bad turns, but if you think he was carving, we need to set you up with someone to introduce you to the REAL art of carving. Those were skidded turns. He was doing alright though - getting down the mountain.

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Guest Marilyn Cambers

Saw that too ... rather impressive, cuz he didn't fall (or at least they didn't show that on tv) ... but it certainly was NOT carving ... Maybe next year when he is Pres he'll learn to carve! Don't think it is something that GW would attempt!! :cool:

Marilyn ;)

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It seems to me that nobody that I know of was "Laying down Trenches," first starting out. I would much rather see a guy shootin' down the slopes than out shootin' down the environment. Cut the guy some slack, and as much as I would hate to say it, I'd cut the same slack to Bush.

Carving isn't apparently all that gives a guy pleasure. What were the most fun times you've had? Probably a few of the best laughs were first starting out mastering a new skill, and landing flat on your kiester. Come to think of it Bush must be having a ball, falling on his kiester that is. Too bad it's at someone elses expense.

An independent speaks. Anybody watch the speech today? Why is it that he seems to smirk after every mention of some great peril waiting to befall us?

Before anyone rails on me, check the record on the environmental issues, and watch his press conference of today. Also refer to post subjects for warning, and please don't refer me to the FCC.

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Personally, I wasn't coming down on the guy for not carving. I thought that it was great to see him on a board. He really looked like he was having fun and he was moving at a decent clip for a man his age. I was just responding to the post that said he was carving which clearly he was not. Please don't read anything into my post. I would not dare get political on this forum. By the time elections role around, I always feel like I have to vote for the less of the evils anyway - never for a great candidate.

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"President Kerry"

one of "our own" in the Whitehouse in January of 2005 (even if he is on soft boots).

Send the other guy overseas where he sent my job, our tax dollars, my kid's future and homeland security. What a dufus.

Sic t 2

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It doesn't hurt anything but....

There may be a lot of people who know quite a bit about snowboarding on this forum, but there are few if any who know anything about what is REALLY going on in politics. The reality is that most of us know only rhetoric. (myself included) We have only bought into the entertainment aspect of politics. If we ever actually had a candidate that would make a huge difference, we would not vote for them. They would have too much integrity to play the game. If they did not play the game, we would not think that they were worth voting for. We don't want a good politician, we want someone who can act like a good politician and use the rhetoric that we think is befitting of a "good politician".

Oh, wait, did I just say "good politician?" Silly me.

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Well, politics aside, I saw his snowboarding several times on television now and clearly he is no spode (especially given his age and enormous size). 30 minutes of instruction and he would be doing short toeside carves. The man can clearly "board."

Sic t 2

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sic t 2,

I don't thnk it was president Bush who sent your job over seas. I think it was a mutual agreement by your ceo's who thought it would be cheaper, and it is. Its the same ALL OVER no matter who's president, people lose jobs because of costs not directly related to the president. I will see you over this summer and we'll talk.

I went to Mountain Creek Friday afternoon. I've not waited on any long lift lines all season until Friday. It was mad. I took two runs in one hour.The snow was not well set, it was mushy to say the least. I was able to get some good turns in. I put one down and encircled a ski patroler standing toward the side.

I will be on your lake soon, buddy tournaments start in June.

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Politics totally aside, I’m genuinely impressed that Kerry snowboards. We obviously take it for granted here, but it takes a certain kind of person to decide they want to go snowboarding on their vacation instead of sitting on a couch watching tv or something. The fact that snowboarding is something he enjoys says something (good) about the way he looks at the world.

Think about it, how many snowboarders (good enough to make a solid turn) have you met that you didn’t like? I don’t know about you guys, but I can’t think of very many.

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I was in such a state of shock when I saw the next possible Prez of the United States snowboarding with what appeared to be some REASONABLE style that I just had to share it! Right after I hit the submitt button I wanted to pull the message back through the damned computer cause I knew I was ganna catch sh*t for using the word "carving" to describe what he was doing. Let's just chalk it up to the exuberance of the moment. I'll try not to let it happen again!:D

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Its not the fault of CEO's. Their behaviour is 100% predicatable. Always has been. Always will be. Its tax break policy (ie; no requirement that massive tax breaks require an investment "in america" itself that is destroying lives).

You too may feel the pressure someday. The radical right are not fans of public education you know. National bankruptcy will probably trickle down and impact your school district sooner or later (surely you don't think that this country's national debt is accidental do you?). And on that day will you blame the school board or would you see with clear eyes who really destroyed your livelihood?

Just got back from the Creek today. It was pretty miserable after last nights rain. Took one run, gave up, and then just hiked to the top of the Vernon peak for the exercise. I think this is it for me. My motocross bike is calling. See you on Greenwood?

Sic t 2

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Originally posted by Phil

It doesn't hurt anything but....

There may be a lot of people who know quite a bit about snowboarding on this forum, but there are few if any who know anything about what is REALLY going on in politics. The reality is that most of us know only rhetoric. (myself included) We have only bought into the entertainment aspect of politics. If we ever actually had a candidate that would make a huge difference, we would not vote for them. They would have too much integrity to play the game. If they did not play the game, we would not think that they were worth voting for. We don't want a good politician, we want someone who can act like a good politician and use the rhetoric that we think is befitting of a "good politician".

My $0.02 as a moderator....

What he said. People like Nader, Dean, Sharpton, Perot, Keyes, Forbes, and Buchanan come to mind. Phil is right on. I'll bet nobody here knows exactly which way is up, and that everyone is a hypocrite to some degree.

Plus, what good ever comes out of discussing politics with your friends? Has anyone here ever actually changed someone's vote or party affiliation? I really doubt it. IMO, "discussing" politics only leads to "arguing" politics, which leads to tainted or destroyed friendships.

<b>The alpine snowboarding community is small enough as it is.</b> Why alienate half this forum with your political beliefs? Especially this year when our only two choices are so <i>not</i> worth getting excited about. Any regular of this forum should consider themselves "friends" with any other regular. Because someday we'll all probably meet at an Expression Session, or randomly at some resort, or we may buy stuff off each other, or whatever. What if you meet someone from here, or you need someone's help or advice and you realize that you already despise their political beliefs?

I also read a motorcycling mailing list. Political discussion used to be no-holds-barred there. You name it, taxes, gun control, war, peace, abortion, homosexuality, religion, it was all out in the open. That list has created sworn enemies for life. People there have standing vows to kick other people's asses if they ever meet in person. I don't think this community can withstand that crap.

There is one individual here at BOL who once posted a long diatribe of his political beliefs, leaving no stone unturned, and making no uncertainties about who are his enemies. I have lost all respect for that person, and all his posts are hereafter tarnished in my eyes (and many other's eyes, I know). I don't want that to happen again. It is sickening and unnecessary.

Arguing politics online rarely changes anyone's opinion, but it <i>always</i> creates enemies.


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Originally posted by Phil

If we ever actually had a candidate that would make a huge difference, we would not vote for them. They would have too much integrity to play the game. If they did not play the game, we would not think that they were worth voting for. We don't want a good politician, we want someone who can act like a good politician and use the rhetoric that we think is befitting of a "good politician".

The main problem is that the job of politician does not attract people who would be the best politicians.

For example, people who make hardboot snowboard bindings tend to be really interested in engineering, mechanics, and snowboarding. People who are engineering your bridges are probably interested in engineering and bridges. And people who are making computer animated movies are probably interested in computers, animation, and movies. These interests are directly related to the quality of the work - people who are good at engineering and snowboarding will tend to make better bindings.

The person you want as a politician is somebody who is interested in improving the state of society - an altruist and a critical thinker who is capable of thinking and willing to think in long time scales (50/100/1000 years) and global scales. Unfortunately, the job of politician attracts people who aren't necessarily interested in any of those things - it attracts people who are interested in power, and interested in thinking in time scales of the election cycle (4, 8 years).

Which means you have people in power making decisions designed not to improve your life, but designed to keep them in power. This means that choices are always made in favor of short term gains rather than long term goals (things will appear better in 4-8 years but your 30-year future is never being being considered), and politicians who are good at being politicians don't necessarily have any natural inclination towards making society better (unlike, say, Fin, who makes bindings and has a natural inclination towards engineering and mechanics, or I, who make movies and have a natural inclination towards visual arts and computers).

It stands to reason, imo, that the people on the top of the political game (i.e. those in the running for president) are the best at accumulating power on short time scales, and are thus the worst at helping society and thinking in the long term (or at least their skill at improving society and long-term thinking is unrelated to their other abilities).

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QUOTE: "Especially this year when our only two choices are so not worth getting excited about."


Please ban the user that made the above political statement in willful disregard of your new guidelines. Take particular notice where he took the time to put the word "NOT" in italics. Nice try but we got him!

Thanks in advance;

Sic t 2

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Well, I do not set the boundaries here, and the four moderators have to vote before any moderating action is taken.

I think my opinion has been clearly stated. Discussing politics here is pointless because nobody knows everything, most of us are just arguing rhetoric (including you, and me if I did), and everyone is a hypocrite to some degree. You're worried about exporting jobs. What does the tag on your shirt say? "Made in China"? Do you drive a Ford or GM? No? And I'm sure there are people here who think that minimum wage is a communist plot, yet they expect and demand fresh hot fries at McDonalds.

Alpine snowboarding is too small to be subdivided any further. Don't we all go to the mountains to flee this crap? Why should this forum be any different than that?


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