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Nastar Nationals - Park City, UT


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i was there last year and had a prety good time. i thouthg of it more as a vacation than a competition, but it is still a nice event to ride in. I actually did prety well in finals (the age group races are a load of crap), and ended up coming first overall for the snowboarders. the only problem is that they group everyone that isnt an alpine skier into the same final, so i ended up loosing my nice gold jacket to a telemark skier.:mad:

i am interested in what improvements they have made for snowboarders, but seeing as you probbably havnt been to one before you dont have much to go off of. let me know how it was.

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This is my first year attending. Logistically it will be a challenge because I'm competing as two people - Snowboarder and Skier. Apparently they run all participants in an age group at the same time. It looks like I'll have time to just do one run each day on the board and then change boots and switch to skis. The good news (or bad news) is that I qualified in the Expert Category on skis. It's good because it gives me more time for the transition but bad because the competition will be a lot more fierce.

Sounds like a fun event. My wife is coming out too and will be doing some XC skiing at Soldier Hollow.

Pat Moore

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Guest Comrade

I went last year. It was an okay experience. I guess that outsider summed it up the best when he said that the individual age groups are "a load of crap." I guess it was pretty fun though. In fact, my brother was applying for a job to fill up the time in the summer and he put that he was the national champion in his age group and the people actually hired him because of that. At least that is what they told him

I hate to somewhat pessimistic here, but spring has come a bit early this year. I wouldn't really even call it spring. The high today in SLC was 75, 20 above the norm. It is supposed to be like that this coming week as well. That said, the runs are mush (at least that is what my dad said when he went to PCMR today.) I am pretty sure that PCMR would have the decency to ice down the course, but the rest of the mountain would be thick mush.

As for me, I was "invited" to attend this year, but unfortunately that $175 is going to thrown into the Jr. Prom slush fund for the year. I am being forced to go. Don't get me started on that...

Sorry if those observations offended anybody, but I think that the quantitative data provided above justifies my claim.


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Sorry if my last post led some people astray. It won't be icy, at least not that I can see. It will be slush. Here's my thinking: I went up Saturday and by about 11 AM the slopes looked like an Orange Slurpee. I wouldn't be worried about the ice; it would be the slush that would concern me. At 70 degrees, they will be hard-pressed to maintain an icy slope.

Park City is taking some measures to protect the runs, at least that's what I think. They were running the Pay Day lift at half-speed and four at a time because they claimed that mechanical problems necessitated the measure. My speculation, take it as you may, is that they were throttling the masses to preserve the Heckler and Pay Day runs so there will still be snow on them by Saturday. Again that is purely speculation.

Here is a link to Park City weather just to back up my claim.

As for me, I hate the slush so I guess that unless we get a freak storm, which looks unlikely, I am done for the season. It's time to get out the mountain bike.


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The conditions at Park City right now are fun for freeriding but nasty for racing Nastar. You'd be lucky to get a run in before it turns ( the snow) to mush. I frequent the place and it's true, it's seventy + in the Valley and not to much cooler in the Mountains. You'd be wise to come out and tool around in the Mashed potatoes on a slalom board but I would save your 200 bucks for beer or a gift for your girlfriend or a downpayment on a Rad Air Tanker 182 ridden 3 days that I'm about to post on the Buy Sell Trade page.

If you decide to race, it's just not Ideal conditions. That's all I'm saying. Have fun


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I'm committed to coming out regardless. I'll have my 168 cm Volkl RT GS board (left my slalom board at my place in VT this past weekend) and my 160 cm Atomic Slaloms for the ski race. Gotta figure out a good wax to use.

My wife hopes to cross country ski while out there. Is there any snow left on the ground at the XC areas?



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Originally posted by outsider

I actually did prety well in finals (the age group races are a load of crap), and ended up coming first overall for the snowboarders. the only problem is that they group everyone that isnt an alpine skier into the same final, so i ended up loosing my nice gold jacket to a telemark skier.:mad:

So snowboarders/telemarkers/handicapped all ski against each other? Yes, that is crap.

I wanted to go this year (this is the first year I qualified - My Results), but just no vacation time and money.

I didn't realize that I'd be going against anyone but boarders; that's pretty stupid.

I think the qualification for boarders ought to be the same as for skiiers (i.e. average your 2nd-4th place results). As it is now, you can get a freaky good result (like me), and not really be THAT good.

I know my buddy who taught me (here) is a far better racer than I am, but I kicked his ass in ranking because I happenned to go to a few places where the pacesetter sucked (apparently) compared to his handicap.

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The rankings can be confusing but I think NASTAR does well considering the logistics of trying to run a program for thousands of participants across the country. Inconsistencies do crop up - I've had days with artificially low handicaps as well as high ones.

My Results for 2003-04.

It is unfortunate that we're lumped together with other classes such as telemarkers but that's the way it's set up at present.

I'm more concerned with the fact that all skiers and boarders have to race on the same course at the same time. I'm entered in both categories and will probably only have time to do one run each day on skis and the board. Not much room for error.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Scott - nice meeting you and Brian at Park City and congratulations on winning your age group AND taking 2nd place in the Jeep King of the Mountain race.

Skidding off the course didn't help my cause but at least I beat the 4 year old!

Observations of a first-timer at the event:

Fun three days and some very nice gifts for just registering (Gerry Parka, backpack).

They did a good job handling the logistical nightmare of coordinating 1100+ racers over several courses.

Disorganized awards - my wife froze for 2 1/2 hours waiting to get a photo of me in the medal ceremony.

Some scoring problems. They still haven't posted my ski results. I calculate that I finished in 8th in the expert ski divison. They correctly list me as the age group winner in snowboarding (hey- I was the only one there) but they posted my ski times under snowboarding.

The event is definitely geared toward skiing with limited participation by boarders. I think I'd do it again. The chance to rub elbows with AJ Kitt, Doug Lewis, Dahron Rahlves, and Casey Puckett made for a memorable trip.

Hope to see you next year.

Scott - send me an e-mail when you get a chance.

Pat Moore

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