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Race to the Cup in Utah


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Just wanted to let everyone know that we will be hosting the final race to the cup at Park City Mountain Resort on Feb 6 and 7. We will also be hosting a USASA race on the following day, Feb 8.

So if any of the Utah riders want to see in person, or even race against, the top racers in North America this will be a perfect oppertunity. This will be the final event to qualify riders to the lake placid world cup.

In order to pull this event off we need a ton of help. We need gate keepers, course slippers, course helpers, registration help, and hardboot fans. If you can help please let me know or if you would like more info on the event please contact me at pfell at pcsbt.org

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Good stuff my man. Glad to hear Park City stepped up and will host the event.

Have you sent an email to A. Nyberg about the Junior's Division??? I would bring Aaron to PArk CIty for this event proabably if they have a division for the youth.

As you said at the meeting, it doesnt cost USSA a thing to run them, and why cut off the pipeline?



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We are looking into having a junior event there. Personally myself and our team director are for it. We are having a USASA event (two run GS in the morning and a two run SL in the afternoon) the day after the race to the cup, so it makes sense for us to have a junior event at the race to the cup and have them stay an extra day to get more racing for the dollar. The problem in Copper is that the junior event was very last minute and the proper channels weren't in the loop and things were not completely thought out liaibility wise. It's still up in the air, but we are pushing for it. Also if it does go through USASA changed the way you can qualify for nationals, now under certain circumstances you can use an event out of your own region to qualify. So it could make some sense to come to our USASA event if we do have a junior race to the cup, becuase we have a strong open class turn out with our team, but not many in the age groups............something to look into.

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A note wouldn't hurt. In order to make things work out and please the higher ups, the junior event would only be open to 13 and 14 year olds and they would have to purchase a FIS license. 13/14 year olds can get a FIS license and compete in HP and Slopestyle, but not in alpine and SBX. According to FIS everyone who leaves the start at a FIS event (even for runners) needs to be licensed for insurance reason. So if the 13/14 years olds got FIS liscenses then they would be covered, and it wouldn't put the event at risk. Then we also need to think about is how to fairly limit field size, becuase for time, especially in duels, we can't have too many juniors..............

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This all makes sense.. The format for juniors would simply be one run on red/one run blue course right? That could get ehm out of the way quickly, and hopefully not tear up the course for the women to run... I honestly could not having more than 20 juniors ever at an event- since we are specifically focused on only 13-14 year olds.

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Thanks Phil for pursuing the Junior Rider event.

Our junior rider was very excited to be able to participate at Copper.

Mid-week travel to UT for the Feb RTTC will be a challenge for those of us with

work/school. It's nice to know about the USASA event that weekend - I just might consider doing that instead.

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The reason for the weekday dates are plenty. First the race is a last minute addition to the mountains events schedule so we had limited options. Second most all of the people doing the nor-am schedule don't have personal schedule limitations, racing is first on the list, so the day of the week doesn't matter to them. Third the days work out well for the national team who would like to do a camp before the event, then go to the Japan/Korea World Cups. And it flows into an already scheduled USASA event weekend (alpine on Fri., HP on Sat., SS on Sun.) So for us we'll be doing five days in a row of competition ranging from world cup qualifiers down do grassroots grommet jibbing.

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Also when you break it down even if you have work/school a weekend event is still had to do.

Leave on Thursday (or wed. if you want two training days on the race hill), train friday, race sat/sun., monday you could travel home or plan on a possible weather day in which case you would come home on Tues. This means you would miss three weekdays at best or up to five if you want to give yourself oppertunity to enjoy yourself.

Our days (wed, thurs race) you could leave mon. (or sun.) train tues., race wed/thurs, USASA fri, go home sat or sun. You miss about the same amount of weekdays and get more events in and have time to enjoy yourself :)

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...but there are still a group of kids/riders one or two steps back from the major teams that are good - but not as vested in the sport. Long weekends are possible, but full weeks off school for this next set of riders is very hard. Your basic high school doesn't understand. I've always thought that the numbers would be higher for these races if they could be on/back up to a weekend. But understand the hill constraints.

Maybe we'll skip Steamboat and just ride in


The USASA race is always a great experience - icing on the cake.

Thanks Phil for pushing the junior opportunity. I talked with Abbi (sp?) at Copper and she suggested that junior racing belonged to USASA. I didn't get the feeling that she wanted to do any additional junior races.....hope that I am wrong.

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Phil: Thanks for the breakdown - all excellent reasoning and advice.

After the Copper stop, I'm kinda hooked. Was a great experience,

and will do my best to make it out to P.C. sometime this year.

Neil: Yes, Agreed! And no doubt at this level the committed riders rise above.

Quitting my job to snowboard full-time would be a much easier decision if I didn't need to eat so much.

Look forward to seeing you guys again at Steamboat in Jan.

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oldkey, I hear what you are saying, but our focus for the event is high level if we can slip the juniors in then bonus for everyone. Bromley was held on a weekend, and many other events, if you look at the results list from the weekend vs. non-weekend events you'll see very little (if any) differance in attendance.

On the other hand anyone can organize an event, start hosting them on the weekend and promote them, if they are FIS events, we'd probably travel to the mid-west for it.

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Hey Phil! I'll try to be there for the days before the USASA GS and SL to help you out. I'll just have to check with work and make sure it's ok. I'm sure it won't be a problem. I'd love to sideslip the course and/or be a gate judge. I won't need a lift pass since I already have a season pass for PC. Let me know if you need any other help!

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We certainly apprecaite all of your efforts in putting this together. Our team does a Rev Tour stop at Spirit Mountain and we know it is a major undertaking. We have considered adding alpine to that event, especially for the juniors (our team stops at 18 year olds). Maybe next year.

Look forward to seeing you and Garrett on your home turf.......

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We certainly apprecaite all of your efforts in putting this together. Our team does a Rev Tour stop at Spirit Mountain and we know it is a major undertaking. We have considered adding alpine to that event, especially for the juniors (our team stops at 18 year olds). Maybe next year.

Look forward to seeing you and Garrett on your home turf.......

Is an alpine portion really being considered for the Rev. Tour? I'd do that in a heartbeat, especially if it's here in the Midwest (and open to us that aren't exactly Juniors :o )

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The race to the cup series is the alpine Rev tour. To combine the two would be a scheduling nightmare. But like I said anyone can organize a FIS race or a nor-am, it doesn't have to be part of an existing tour. You can even organize a USSA race open to all ages if you want to. Ski clubs do it all the time.

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